Pickled garlic: benefits and harms

Such a vegetable crop as garlic, everyone knows firsthand. It is famous as a fragrant seasoning for many dishes, and is also known for its medicinal properties. Even in ancient times, athletes used it as food to raise morale and protect against disease. Spicy and crispy garlic has become an integral part of dishes of different nations. More often used a fresh vegetable or in dry form, and later learned to preserve it. We will talk about why garlic benefits our body and whether it causes harmful effects.

Composition and calorie content

The benefits and harms of pickled garlic

A canned product preserves all the vitamins, minerals and minerals that our body so needs.


  • IN 1;
  • IN 2;
  • AT 6;
  • FROM;
  • PP


  • sodium;
  • iodine;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • chlorine;
  • iron.

More about the composition:

  1. Allicin is the most powerful oxidation-inhibiting substance, providing tremendous benefits to all organs.
  2. Potassium is able to maintain water-salt balance, and also improves liver, heart and kidney function.
  3. Chlorine breaks down fats, promotes the formation of blood plasma and has a good effect on liver function.
  4. Calcium improves bones, making them stronger, forms a skeleton, improves blood coagulation.
  5. Vitamin C boosts immunity and effectively fights colds.
  6. Iodine helps fight thyroid disease.
  7. Vitamin PP helps to avoid dementia.
  8. Phytoncides fight pathogens in the body.
  9. Sodium activates metabolism and digestion, makes tissues more resilient, and also participates in the work of muscles.
  10. Phosphorus helps to be absorbed by vitamins, improves contraction of the heart muscle, and ensures the full functioning of the brain.
  11. Manganese improves memory, and also contributes to the full functioning of the thyroid gland.
  12. B vitamins normalize blood sugar and support the nervous system.
  13. Zinc favorably affects the work of muscles, increasing their endurance and strength.
  14. Iron increases hemoglobin levels, provides oxygen to cells and boosts immunity.

Due to the low calorie content, garlic can be consumed without fear for the figure.

The ratio of KBZhU per 100g:

  • calorie content - 41 kcal;
  • proteins - 1.8 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.1 g.

What is pickled garlic good for?

General benefit

Garlic is a real storehouse of vitamins that help increase the body's defenses to a variety of viruses and more.

What is pickled garlic good for?

  1. It is the prevention of stomach cancer. Thanks to the components in the product, it helps to avoid the formation of tumors.
  2. Suppresses the formation of cancer of the genitourinary system. Garlic stimulates immune cells, reduces the risk of developing tumors, activates enzymes, and is able to remove toxins from the body.
  3. Effective in the fight against intestinal infections. Allicin reduces the development of parasites, and also strengthens the protective function in the fight against harmful bacteria.
  4. Heals an ulcer. The product increases the concentration of enzymes, inhibits inflammation, has an antibacterial effect, which helps to fight infection.
  5. It treats viral and colds. By increasing the number of immune cells, garlic increases their activity, and a person recovers faster.
  6. Fights yeast. Garlic inhibits the development of candidiasis, which slows the spread of infection.
  7. Suppresses allergies. The beneficial substances contained in garlic destroy proteins, thereby nullifying inflammation during allergies.
  8. Slows down the aging of cells. Taking one head of pickled garlic daily, you can increase the cell lifespan. Anti-aging effect.
  9. Prevents heart disease. Blood clots occur due to an excess of cholesterol and high blood pressure. Garlic slows the aggregation of blood clots, helps lower blood pressure and relaxes blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases such as stroke and heart attack.
  10. Helps with obesity. Thanks to its constituent substances, the product activates enzymes that can destroy subcutaneous fat and prevent it from being stored in the body.
  11. Lowers cholesterol. Garlic deactivates enzymes that affect the accumulation of cholesterol, thereby not clogging blood vessels.
  12. Prevents infections in the oral cavity. Due to the antibacterial effect, the vegetable helps to avoid periodontitis and relieves toothache.
  13. Improves memory. This is possible by increasing serotonin levels.
  14. Prevents the spread of HIV infection. As a result of research, doctors found that the beneficial substances of garlic can destroy HIV cells, as well as slow down their growth.
  15. Helps to eliminate toxins from liver cells. Thanks to its antioxidant effects, garlic reduces the oxidative process in the liver and eliminates inflammation.
  16. Improves bone condition. By eating garlic regularly, you can strengthen bone and prevent osteoporosis.
  17. Supports eye health. Thanks to the nutrients contained in garlic, it is able to prevent infections and inflammation of the eyes.
  18. Lowers pressure. The vegetable helps to relax the muscles of the blood vessels, replenishes the sulfur reserves in the body and helps prevent the development of hypertension.

By using pickled garlic once a day, you can:

  • normalize digestion and bile secretion;
  • lower blood pressure and cholesterol;
  • reduce the risk of heart disease;
  • normalize clotting and reduce the appearance of blood clots;
  • prevent cancer;
  • remove poisons from the body;
  • help glucose uptake.

For women

Possessing an antifungal effect, garlic has a good effect on female gynecology:

  • reduces the risk of cancer in the woman’s chest and uterus;
  • aligns the hormonal background;
  • reduces flushing with menopause;
  • treats infertility.

Along with this, many women make a variety of garlic face masks, as they help in the fight against acne and wrinkles.

For men

With selenium, which the male half of humanity needs so much to treat infertility and sperm motility, garlic is an indispensable tool in the diet of every man. In addition, pickled garlic is recognized as one of the best aphrodisiacs. But this is not all the benefits that he has on men's health:

  • prevents prostate cancer;
  • improves potency and testosterone levels;
  • accelerates muscle building;
  • struggles with inflammatory processes.

During pregnancy

The heads of garlic contain folic acid, which is so necessary during pregnancy. Being an antiviral agent, pickled garlic is recommended for preventive purposes, which is undoubtedly more useful than the use of medications. By stimulating blood circulation, it also contributes to the normal development of the fetus.

Video: how to eat during pregnancy Expand

When breastfeeding

Many mothers fear that the use of garlic during the period of hepatitis B will adversely affect milk, and the baby will refuse to breast.The main thing at such moments is to know the measure. Introducing pickled garlic into your diet slowly and in small portions, you can:

  • normalize digestion after the restructuring of the body during pregnancy;
  • effectively deal with thrush in the postpartum period;
  • increase the body's defenses;
  • Replenish calcium lost during pregnancy.

For kids

For children, pickled garlic should be eaten with special care. The digestive system of a child fully develops only by 5 years. That is why until this time it is recommended to add it to soups and mashed potatoes in minimal portions, and it is not advisable for children up to a year to give it at all. But for older children, garlic will not do any harm. Is he:

  • eliminates intestinal colic;
  • kills harmful bacteria in the intestines;
  • improves microflora;
  • increases appetite;
  • destroys worms.

When losing weight

Garlic is not only allowed to enter the diet during the diet. There are even special methods to combat overweight with a pickled vegetable. Useful properties for losing weight are as follows:

  • improves blood flow, removes excess fluid from the body;
  • promotes rapid metabolism;
  • fights cholesterol and fungi that affect weight gain;
  • normalizes sugar levels;
  • reduces the risk of re-gaining weight;
  • activates the production of adrenaline, which is responsible for the breakdown of fat.

Harm and contraindications

Excessive use of pickled garlic can worsen your physical condition. A headache appears, which is accompanied by inhibition of the reaction, and there is also a chance to burn the intestinal mucosa. Garlic is not recommended:

  • in the presence of allergies to certain components that make up garlic;
  • gastritis, pancreatitis and an ulcer;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • reduced pressure;
  • epilepsy;
  • kidney stones;
  • liver disease
  • high pigment levels in the blood.

That is why it is recommended to add pickled garlic in moderate portions to your diet so that it only benefits the body.

How to choose and store garlic

Of course, grown with their own hands, such garlic can not be compared with the purchased one. But not everyone has such an opportunity. When choosing a store vegetable, you should pay attention to density, husk and appearance. Soft garlic heads with damage, dark spots and damaged sides will do harm than good. It is also worth avoiding sprouted garlic with punching green arrows, as in this case the concentration of nutrients is reduced.

To prolong the life of garlic, it should be stored in a cool dark place. To do this, a cellar, basement or balcony is suitable. In the refrigerator, the vegetable can be stored for about a month, but then it starts to mold. The product can be frozen, which will save it for six months. You can also pickle garlic, since with this treatment it is easy to preserve all the benefits of the product.

How to pickle garlic: recipes

Garlic is preserved thanks to a variety of marinades. They saturate the taste of garlic, keep it crispy and eliminate the pungent smell that many are so afraid of. Marinating occurs during hot and cold brine treatments.

How to Pickle Garlic

In addition to garlic, the composition includes sugar, salt, vinegar, water and a variety of spices. This recipe is basic, but each has its own unique way of marinade. Consider the most common options.

Instant marinade

Would need:

  • 2 tablespoons of coarse salt.
  • 1 kilogram of garlic.
  • 100 milliliters of apple cider vinegar.
  • 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • Liter of water.

Marinate is recommended with whole heads, leaving one layer of husk that protects against spilling.

  1. Dip the garlic heads in boiling water for a few minutes.
  2. Remove it from the pan, pour over cool water and fold it to the top in a container.
  3. For brine, add salt and granulated sugar to boiling water, wait for complete dissolution.
  4. Pour apple cider vinegar and fill the jars with brine. Fans of spicy taste can add allspice, bay leaf or cloves.
  5. When fully cooled, place the jars in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

Burning billet

Those who like a hot, bold combination of garlic and hot pepper will like it.

On a liter jar you will need:

  • 10 cloves of garlic.
  • 10 small chili peppers.
  • Vinegar.


  1. Place garlic cloves and pepper in sterilized containers.
  2. Pour vinegar to the top.
  3. Close the lid.
  4. Insist for about a week.

Beetroot pickle


  • 1 kilogram of garlic cloves.
  • 100 milliliters of vinegar essence.
  • 1 beetroot.
  • 2 tablespoons of coarse salt.
  • 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar.
  • Cinnamon.
  • 5 leaves of bay leaf.
  • Dill.
  • Basil.
  • Horseradish.
  • Parsley.
  • Cloves.


  1. Dissolve salt and granulated sugar in boiling water.
  2. Throw garlic heads into the water and boil for several minutes.
  3. Put greens in a jar.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the grated beets.
  5. Put spices and garlic in transparent jars.
  6. Mix beetroot juice and essence.
  7. Pour the marinade into a bowl of garlic, herbs and spices.
  8. Roll up the lid.

Aspirin Marinade


  • 1 teaspoon of citric acid.
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.
  • 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar.
  • 10 peas of allspice.
  • Bay leaf
  • Cloves.
  • 1 tablet of aspirin.
  • Dill seeds.

How to cook:

  1. Arrange the garlic in jars.
  2. Pour boiling water over the cloves.
  3. When the water has cooled, pour boiling water again.
  4. Put all the ingredients on the garlic cloves.
  5. Pour boiling water over everything and roll up the jars with a lid.
Video: pickled garlic for the winter Expand

Grape pickle

Would need:

  • 500 ml of grape juice.
  • 300 ml of vinegar essence.
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar.
  • 16 peas of allspice.
  • 10 laurels.
  • 2 kg of young garlic.
  • 300 grams of granulated sugar.


  1. Pour boiling water over the garlic cloves for a few minutes.
  2. Place the cloves tightly in a jar.
  3. Add sand, pepper, lavrushka, salt and vinegar essence to the grape juice.
  4. Pour garlic into the resulting brine and roll the lid.

Ginger marinade

Would need:

  • 300 grams of young garlic.
  • Dill umbrella.
  • A bunch of parsley.
  • 2 lavrushki.
  • 5 peas of pepper.
  • 1 tablespoon dried thyme.
  • Half a teaspoon of ginger.
  • 1 tablespoon of rock salt.
  • 3 tablespoons of vinegar essence.
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar.


  1. Put a dill umbrella and parsley at the bottom.
  2. To the top, lay whole heads of garlic in containers.
  3. Put peas, lavrushka, thyme, sand and salt in boiling water.
  4. Boil for a few minutes, add essence and ginger.
  5. After 2-3 minutes, pour the marinade into a bowl of garlic and roll the lid.

Honey pickle

How to Pickle Garlic


  • Garlic - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Water - 1 l.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 100 ml.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp
  • Allspice.
  • Coriander.


  1. Put garlic in sterilized containers.
  2. Add coriander and pepper.
  3. Add sugar, honey and vinegar to boiling water.
  4. Pour the garlic with marinade.
  5. Roll up the lid and insist for about a month.

Dill pickle

For cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Garlic - 1 kg.
  • Hot peppers - 1 tsp
  • Water - 4 tbsp.
  • Dill - 5 branches.
  • 9% vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 4 tbsp.


  1. Add salt, vinegar to boiling water and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Arrange garlic in jars.
  3. Finely chop the pepper.
  4. Add the dill and pepper to the garlic.
  5. Pour the hot marinade into the jars.
  6. Roll up the lids.

Secrets of good conservation

  1. Sterilize cans well before preservation.
  2. Do not use copper utensils, as the garlic will turn blue.
  3. To avoid bacteria, it is recommended to use only airtight covers.
  4. When pickling garlic, remember that cloves require less infusion time than whole heads.
  5. To make garlic easier to peel, you can soak it for a couple of hours in water.

Garlic broths and tinctures

Since ancient times, people have resorted to a variety of tinctures for the treatment of ailments.Now you can easily buy any drug in a pharmacy, but some recipes are still used by the people, possessing rare and effective properties.

Vodka and garlic

For those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, such a recipe is a must.

Pass the garlic through a garlic squeezer or chop finely, and then pour a glass of vodka. Mix the prepared mass thoroughly and place in a dark place for several weeks. Take a teaspoon before meals for about 2-3 months.

Pork fat and garlic

For treating warts, mix pork fat and garlic gruel. Rub into problem areas until the neoplasms disappear completely.

Garlic and milk

Such a decoction helps well if you suffer from insomnia. It is enough to add a spoonful of honey and chopped garlic to boiling milk. Having drunk the product a few minutes before going to bed, you are guaranteed to get a healthy and sound sleep.

Garlic and sugar

To treat bronchitis, crush the head of garlic and add to sugar water. Warm the resulting mixture for about 3 minutes on the stove. Take a teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

Trays of garlic

With varicose veins, as well as radiculitis, it is recommended to take garlic baths. Chop the garlic and add plenty of boiling water. Boil for about half an hour and add to the bath.

Garlic and lemon

To cleanse the vessels and prevent blood clots, it is recommended to take lemon-garlic tincture. Grind lemon and garlic, pour boiling water. The infused broth is taken 3 times a day.

Interesting facts about garlic

We all know that along with many useful qualities of garlic, it is often considered a fighter with evil spirits, therefore it is considered a guard against vampires and witches. But these are far from all the facts that are worth telling.

Interesting facts about garlic

  1. The birthplace of garlic is considered Central Asia, because it was there that the plant was first cultivated.
  2. The bulb of garlic has from 3 to 50 cloves.
  3. Garlic is a relative of onions.
  4. The largest vegetable consumption is in China and Italy.
  5. In the 19th century, it was found that garlic contains an antibiotic.
  6. During the construction of the pyramids, garlic was given to the Egyptians to increase strength. Once, not having received their portion, the workers revolted.
  7. In the 17th century, garlic became the hero who saved France from the plague.
  8. In the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs, garlic was found as an element of special significance.
  9. In the 17th century, Russia issued an order to create garlic fields in order to combat various diseases.
  10. In ancient times, it was believed that the devil expelled from the Garden of Eden left traces on the ground in which garlic grew.
  11. In Bulgaria, everyone who was unpleasant with the smell of garlic was considered a vampire. That is why many had to endure in order to avoid human hatred.
  12. In the Czech Republic, with the help of garlic, lightning was driven away, placing it on the roof. It was believed that if lightning still struck the house, then unclean forces live there.
  13. In Russia, in the Easter service, men put a clove of garlic in their mouth, believing that by doing so they would figure out a witch among the parishioners. After several hours of service with garlic in their mouths, they began to see hallucinations.
  14. During flight tests, it was found that garlic reduces alertness, which is why pilots are forbidden to use it before flying.
  15. In Asia, garlic is used as a dessert, processed at high temperature. So it becomes very sweet.
  16. Translated from the Indian language, the famous city of Chicago is wild garlic.
  17. Garlic has grown in price by more than 35 times when the swine flu epidemic arose in China. Rumor had it that he was the one who could cope with this disease.

«Important: all information on the site is provided exclusively in fact-finding purposes. Before applying any recommendations, consult with a profile specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are liable for any possible harm caused materials. "

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