How beer affects the human body

Beer is a light alcoholic beverage that contains malt, hops and water. Today, the drink is an integral part of men's and youth gatherings. It is increasingly consumed by adolescents who want to seem older.

Beer harm

Alcohol intoxication after drinking beer comes much faster than from other drinks. This is due to the fact that it is carbonated, due to which it is absorbed faster.

How beer affects the human body

Beer has a negative effect on the whole organism. First of all, the liver suffers, as it passes through all the drinks, food. All harmful substances are absorbed into the liver. As a result, cells begin to die, cirrhosis and cancer develop.

The drink also has a detrimental effect on the kidneys, as organs excrete toxic substances. When beer is consumed, they begin to work much faster, the load on them increases significantly. Constant excessive work of the kidneys leads to premature loss of their performance. In addition, along with beer, beneficial substances are washed out of the body.

The drink has a negative effect on the stomach. Alcohol destroys the mucous membrane, which leads to gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the digestive system.

A person who regularly drinks beer also suffers from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. This is due to the fact that the tissues of organs rapidly wear out, lose their elasticity. The hangover syndrome begins to be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • labored breathing.

All the signs indicate that there are problems in the cardiovascular system and urgent treatment is required.

Also, when drinking beer in large quantities, the walls of blood vessels become thinner, which leads to impaired blood circulation and an increase in blood pressure.

Beer also has a negative effect on the nervous system. With its excessive use, a person becomes aggressive, restless. Over time, memory deteriorates, and the level of intelligence decreases.

The drink also affects the human reproductive system. It is almost impossible to conceive a healthy child after six months of constant beer consumption. A year later, the work of the organs of the reproductive system is disrupted, which leads to infertility.

Important: excessive alcohol is harmful to your health (18+)

Is there any benefit

The benefits of beer

Beer contains malt and hops. These are natural plant components, which contain vitamins and minerals. All of them have a positive effect on the body. Thus, a small amount of beer contributes to:

  • normalization of sleep;
  • improved appetite;
  • increase immunity;
  • reduction of the inflammatory process on the tissues of the digestive system.

Drinking in small quantities also helps reduce the risk of developing neurological diseases.

Experts recommend abandoning the use of beer, since its use is small. Moreover, it causes irreparable harm to the body. A drink also affects hormone levels. With excessive use, you can notice a change in the appearance of a man or woman. Voice, figure, gait begin to change. Unwanted hairs appear on the body in women; in men, baldness is observed. Thus, it is not advisable to include beer in the diet as a drink for gatherings, parties. It can be used only for medicinal purposes if there are no contraindications to its use, and the likelihood of developing alcoholism is small.

«Important: all information on the site is provided exclusively in fact-finding purposes. Before applying any recommendations, consult with a profile specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are liable for any possible harm caused materials. "

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