How pork affects the human body

Pork remains a controversial product in the circles of scientists researching the effect of this product on the human body. Experts say that pig meat contains growth hormone, which provokes obesity and the appearance of malignant tumors. The animal product itself is prohibitively oily, which causes excessive storage of fats in the tissues and with regular use leads to rapid weight gain. However, this is precisely about the abuse of the product.

The benefits of pork

From the point of view of a positive effect on the body, pork contains a large amount of magnesium and zinc, as well as lysine, which plays an important role in bone formation. One serving of the product provides a person with a monthly supply of vitamin B12. Do not be afraid of the harmful effects of pork with its moderate presence in the diet. For more frequent consumption, white chicken meat is better, which is a non-fat, dietary product and a good source of animal protein.

How pork affects the human body

In addition to vitamin B12, pork also contains a number of other useful substances:

  1. Thiamine. Pork is especially rich in thiamine - one of the B vitamins, which plays an important role in the digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Also known as vitamin B1.
  2. Selenium. The best sources of this important mineral are animal products such as meat, seafood, eggs and dairy products. This element dilutes blood and prevents blood clots, it is necessary as a prophylaxis of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Zinc. Essential for brain and immune system health. It also gives your hair, skin and nails a healthy and attractive appearance. Lack of this element in the body provokes metabolic problems.
  4. Vitamin B6. It plays an important role in the functioning of the brain, improves mood and improves memory.

Recommendations for selection and use

Like most animal products, pig meat is an excellent source of protein, which is involved in building muscle and helps keep the body toned. It is important to choose not too fatty pork, as well as to give it intensive heat treatment before use.

The use of raw or semi-raw meat not only adversely affects the functioning of the stomach, but also carries the risk of infection with intestinal parasites and various infectious diseases. However, intensive heat treatment, as well as preliminary freezing completely remove this possibility.

The harm of pork meat to the body

As for the carcinogenicity of the product, one can argue with it. Although the World Health Organization has classified red meat, which includes pork, as Group 1 (cancer causing products), the data is changing every year, and many of the points studied are questioned. Thus, some studies have shown a connection between eating pork and the occurrence of colorectal cancer or cancer of the gastric gland in humans. However, all these data are not statistical and require additional research.

How to choose and eat pork

The WHO official website lists reasons to limit eating any kind of red meat. Among them are named: harmful substances released from meat during cooking, as well as the presence of heme iron in it. However, the data provided by the WHO website suggests that pork should not be completely excluded from the menu. A balanced diet, in which there are proteins of animal and vegetable origin, as well as fats and carbohydrates in the required quantities, will help maintain the body.

«Important: all information on the site is provided exclusively in fact-finding purposes. Before applying any recommendations, consult with a profile specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are liable for any possible harm caused materials. "

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