Durian: benefits and harm to the body

Durian is an amazing plant. It combines an unbearable smell and a delicate sweet taste. It is healthy and rich in vitamins, but excessive consumption is dangerous to health.

The pulp of the fruit is tender, but on the outside it is covered with prickly spikes. From these spikes comes its name - in Malay, the word "duri" means "spike".

What does durian look like and where does it grow

In the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, Brazil and Africa, on large evergreen trees with supporting roots, amazing fruits of green or yellow color grow. The trees on which durian grows reach a height of 25-50 meters, depending on the species. The leaves of the tree never fall and remain green all year round, reaching 10-18 centimeters in diameter.

The benefits and harms of durian

It is believed that the plant originated in the Borneo and Sumatra regions and was brought to the territory of modern Myanmar about 400 years ago. Then durian began to be actively bred in Thailand, East Vietnam and other countries. In Europe, they first learned about him in the 15th century, as the traveler Nicolo Conti spoke about.

Durians, which are sold in stores and markets in Asian countries, are grown on special plantations. In Thailand, the fruit is considered one of the national symbols, because most of the population is busy with work related to its cultivation and sale. Thailand ranks first in the world for its sale, followed by Malaysia and Indonesia.

The shape of durian is oblong or round, diameter is 20-30 centimeters, weight can reach 8-9 kilograms. However, usually the weight of fruits sold in markets and in stores is about 1 kilogram. Inside the fruit is divided into five chambers, each of which contains a creamy pulp and seed.

The taste and smell of durian

Those who have tried durian describe its taste in different ways. One resembles a creamy dessert with the taste of banana and pineapple, while others feel vanilla, onion, papaya, and nut cream. Most of those who ate durian agree that no other fruit tastes like it. Also, everyone agrees that durian has an unbearable smell.

Durian contains organic sulfur. This partly provides him with a unique aroma, in which you hear the putrid smell of rotten fish, rotten onions, sewers, domestic gas, stale socks, garlic. In many countries, it is strictly forbidden to bring fresh durian fruits to public places, including hotels and airports. In Singapore, vehicle warning signs list bans on smoking, drinking drinks and food, transporting flammable goods, and appearing with durian. The pungent odor is too strong, and tourists can only export memories of great taste or processed fruits.

It is important to remember that in total about 30 species of durian are known. Their taste and smell may vary, and taste also greatly depends on the degree of maturity of the fetus. For example, the most popular variety, Mao Shan Wang, has a bitter-sweet taste and a bright yellow color in the flesh. Varieties of Red Shrimp and Green Bamboo will appeal to lovers of sweets, as they have a sugary aftertaste. The Shaw variety is famous for its light alcohol smell. Those who want to try durian for the first time are advised to choose the D24 variety, since its taste combines the basic properties of the fruit.

It is because of the diversity of species and varieties that it is often said that it is difficult to love the taste of durian the first time, it can disappoint.However, after the fifth time, not a single person remains who would not become a fan of this fruit.

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What is the difference between durian and jackfruit

Durian and jackfruit are similar to each other only in appearance. Most often, the fruits of jackfruit are much larger, the thorns on them are less pronounced, the shape is more like a pear. The smell of jackfruit is also peculiar. It is believed that a ripe fruit can be distinguished by the aroma of rotten onions. Inside the jackfruit is viscous pulp and seeds that are edible. The milky juice inside the fruit contains latex, because of this it is better to cut jackfruit with gloves and clothes, which will not be a pity to stain without the ability to wash.

Composition and calorie content

Durian contains 65% water, 24% carbohydrates, 5% fat and 4% fiber. The fruit is unusually rich in vitamins and minerals: vitamins A, C, group B, folic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper and zinc. This is an impressive list of beneficial substances that can be obtained from durian. Only durian contains organic sulfur, which is part of the nervous, bone, cartilage, hair, skin and nails.

In 100 grams of fetus, approximately 147 kcal.

The beneficial properties of durian

The beneficial properties of durian

General benefit

  1. The sulfur already mentioned, for which durian is especially appreciated, is part of the amino acids and enzymes, proteins and hormones that are most important for the body, including helping to maintain blood sugar balance and slow down aging.
  2. Durian has a warming effect, when it is consumed, the temperature of the internal organs rises. Residents of Southeast Asia even say that after eating durian, you can sleep without a blanket. At the same time, modern scientific research suggests that durian does not warm the body, but only causes increased sweating.
  3. Indole in durian is a natural antiseptic. It helps treat infections. Asian people use durian for colds and other illnesses.
  4. Potassium in durian helps strengthen blood vessel walls and heart muscle.
  5. With regular use, durian helps normalize blood sugar.
  6. Durian is considered useful for anemia, increases hemoglobin levels.
  7. Infusions from the leaves and roots of durian are used as an antipyretic.
  8. Durian can help the nervous system, reduce irritability, overcome insomnia, improve mood and even relieve depression.

For women

Durian contains substances that resemble the natural female hormone estrogen, so it can help the health of the female reproductive system. At the same time, scientific studies conducted by Asian scientists have not confirmed the influence of durian on the ability to become pregnant.

Antioxidants and other substances in durian have a beneficial effect on the skin, with regular use of the fruit you can notice a refreshing and anti-aging effect. Decoctions of leaves and fruits have an anti-inflammatory effect and help soothe the skin.

For men

Durian contains natural aphrodisiacs, it enhances attraction and improves potency.

One of the main causes of death and illness of men in Western society is cardiovascular disease. In addition to potassium and other trace elements that have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart, the use of durian is useful for men due to the fact that it does not contain cholesterol. Despite the fact that it is rich in fats, it does not increase, and according to some reports it can even lower cholesterol.

Durian is a natural "energy", it contains a natural analogue of serotonin. For men who experience heavy stress, durian can help reduce the feeling of fatigue, a sense of anxiety, and stress.

During pregnancy

Durian contains a lot of folic acid. It is necessary for the development of a healthy fetus, reducing the risk of miscarriage and dangerous complications. However, if a woman has high blood pressure, swelling and other health problems, you should discuss with your doctor if you are pregnant with a durian. Many experts strongly forbid durian to pregnant women, since the risk of unwanted reactions is too great.

When breastfeeding

Durian perfectly helps fight many diseases and even slow down the aging process, but it can be dangerous for the body of a newborn baby. The content of trace elements, vitamins and other substances that can be transmitted with milk can cause severe allergies and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Nursing mothers should not take risks and consume durian.

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For children

100 grams of durian contains 150 kilocalories. In this regard, in countries where this fruit is readily available, it is recommended to include it in the diet of children with insufficient body weight. Durian is rich in fiber, which is very beneficial for the digestive system.

In many countries, this is a favorite children's treat, which is associated with family traditions. However, if we talk about children who had never before tried durian and live far from the tropics, one should be very careful with him. Excessive use can cause overheating and sweating, irritability, insomnia, throat irritation, and digestive upset. Children on tourist trips should not be given a large portion of fruit immediately, first you need to make sure that there are no allergies and other problems. Young children under three years of age are not recommended to eat this fruit.

When losing weight

Durian is rich in fiber, which is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. It is used to prevent constipation. The fruit is very satisfying, so a small amount is enough to satisfy the hunger. Durian helps the body remove excess water and reduce swelling. All these properties make the fetus an excellent dietary product. However, to reduce weight, it is recommended to consume high-calorie and fat-rich durian in small quantities in the morning. It is important to remember that durian is a very high-calorie product, and only one of its seeds (weighing about 40 grams) contains 55 calories!

Harm and contraindications

With hypertension and intolerance to certain substances in the fruit, the use of durian is strictly prohibited. It contains substances that help balance the level of insulin, but its use in large quantities in diabetes is forbidden: it also contains a large amount of sugar, fructose and glucose.

How to choose and store durian

It is important to find that short period of durian's life, when he has already matured, having fallen from a tree, but has not yet managed to deteriorate. Too soft a fruit can be tasteless due to long-term storage, too hard - unripe. When you tap the fetus with a wand, you need to listen to the sound: if the knock is deaf, the fetus is most likely ripe.

How to choose and store durian

Durian is stored at room temperature for no more than five days. Then it spoils, loses its pleasant taste.

How to eat durian

The best taste is in the fruit that has just been cut. It is best to eat durian in the fresh air so that the smell does not interfere. Eat the pulp with spoons so that the smell does not eat into the skin of the hands.

In Asian countries, it is customary to drink durian with salted water or even coffee, and add to smoothies made from regular or coconut milk.

Can I eat bones

Raw seeds are considered inedible.

How much can you eat durian

On average, the fruit weighs 1 kilogram and contains about 1300-1500 calories.Thus, consuming the whole fetus at a time will be approximately 70% of the daily calorie intake. In this regard, it is recommended to limit the use of durian and monitor the sensations of your body with food.

How to clean

With light strokes, the fruit cleaver should be split into several slices. Already from them you can take a delicious thick pulp with a spoon.

Cooking Application

In countries where durian grows, it is widely used in various dishes. Pies are made with him, pickled in coconut milk. Unripe fruits are fried and stewed with seasonings, added to pastas for cooking other dishes, soups. Seeds are fried and used as spices.

Cookies, ice cream and jam are made from durian, it is dried and baked in pies.

Why durian should not be consumed with alcohol

Durian has a strong tonic effect. In addition, the body requires a lot of effort to digest the fats and sugars contained in it. In combination with alcohol, it can cause indigestion, poisoning, a dangerous increase in pressure.

There is a myth that durian combined with alcohol can kill a person. This is very unlikely, because it requires a lot of drink, eat a lot of durian and have poor health. However, the combination of this fruit and alcohol can really bring a lot of discomfort. After drinking durian, you should wait at least one hour before drinking alcohol.

Can I buy durian in Russia

In Western countries, you can find durian in free sale in supermarkets. However, the sale is allowed only in containers where the durian is in a special grid and frozen in order to avoid an unpleasant odor.

Despite the strict restrictions on the transportation of durian, in Russia there are many companies that offer delivery of this fruit. Fresh durians are transported in special containers for isolation and the creation of special storage conditions. In Moscow, the price of one fruit is more than three thousand rubles.

For those who do not want to risk trying fresh durian, several online stores in Russia offer dried fruit, sweets and other products with it. Prices for these products are much more affordable than for fresh fruit, and a small package of exotic treats can be a great gift. It is important to remember that restrictions on the use of durian apply to processed fruit: you should not eat too many dried fruits or sweets with them.

Durian in culture

A beautiful Thai legend about the origin of durian is known. Once the old ruler married a young beauty. The young wife did not reciprocate with her husband, and he turned to the hermit for advice. The wise old man advised the ruler of a recipe for a potion for his wife, it included a marvelous fruit with a magical taste. The wife ate the offered treats and immediately imbued with warm feelings for her husband. The governor made a feast, but forgot to invite and thank the hermit. He was offended and enchanted fruit trees. The ruler returned for a new durian for his wife and was horrified by the smell of wonderful fruits. The wife could not eat them anymore and again stopped loving the ruler.

Durian in culture

Durian festivals are regularly held in Asian countries. In China alone, more than 150 thousand people come to the annual festival. In Thailand, Malaysia and other countries, festive events are held annually during the ripening season.

The famous Esplanade Arts Center in Singapore, recognized as a masterpiece of architecture, is very similar to two halves of fruit. Locals used to call him "durian." The triangular spikes that cover the walls and the roof help the light reach the concert hall and avoid overheating in a hot climate. Due to the surface structure of the building, specialists need about two months for periodic cleaning.

Interesting facts about durian

  1. Durian blooms for a very short time, twice a year: in winter and summer. The flower blooms at dusk and falls by morning. Then the fetus begins to form. Durian flowers form large clusters, have the shape of a bell, can be white, pink or golden.
  2. The durian plant is not only a carrier of tasty and healthy fruits, but also a beautiful tree. It is often used in a suitable climate for planting in parks, decorating them with places of rest.
  3. Durian cannot be plucked or removed from the tree in other ways: you should always wait until the fruit falls from the tree itself and then ripens within a few days. Therefore, durian plantation workers wear strong helmets on their heads, respirators on their faces, and special protective suits on their bodies.
  4. Breeding durian is a profitable business. Trees begin to bear fruit at the age of about five years, bring a stable crop for 70–80 years. Some trees can live and bear fruit for more than a hundred years. In a tropical climate, trees do not require special conditions: minimal fertilizer and care are enough. At the same time, the demand for durian is constantly growing. According to 2016 data, only China annually acquires about 400 tons of durian in Malaysia, and another 16.5 thousand tons - Singapore. The price of a kilogram of fruit is 20-40 dollars, depending on the season.
  5. Arnon Rodthong, the owner of Thailand's largest durian plantation, has announced a contest for his daughter’s hand. He offered the potential groom about 20 million rubles in case of marriage. Among the requirements for the daughter's future husband - hard work, the absence of bad habits and knowledge about breeding durian. After a short time after the announcement, Arnon canceled the competition, but the announcement of a rich dowry for his daughter upheld.

«Important: all information on the site is provided exclusively in fact-finding purposes. Before applying any recommendations, consult with a profile specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are liable for any possible harm caused materials. "

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Olga Kapyrina
2019.11.28 23:04
Now I have tried for the first time durian, the smell ... as if you were entering a porch where there are many, many cats (cats) + the smell of fried onions .... at first you are stunned by the smell and it’s hard to force yourself to try. Then, the delicate taste of fruit pudding with a touch of fried onions. Not deadly. The second time you'll eat more confidently, and the third time you'll get used to it.
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