Jerusalem artichoke: benefits and harm to the body

Jerusalem artichoke is not very popular. And it’s very unfortunate, because this product is real superfood. Its main value is that Jerusalem artichoke in its composition meets the most stringent, scientifically substantiated requirements for a healthy diet and at the same time has a pleasant taste. It helps people leading a sedentary lifestyle (almost inevitable in modern conditions) to maintain good physical shape. In addition, it protects against the adverse effects of the external environment and even from psychological overload.

What does Jerusalem artichoke look like and where does it grow

Although Jerusalem artichoke is a tuberous plant, it belongs to the genus Sunflower and the Astrov family. This is a herbaceous plant, which most often grows to a height of 1.5 m, but there are cases when four-meter specimens were also found. If we return to its botanical description, it should be noted that the stem is straight and strong, pubescent with short hairs, the leaves are egg-shaped, and it blooms with inflorescence baskets, which reach a diameter of 2-10 cm. They consist of tubular yellow flowers. In the European part of Russia, flowering occurs in August-October. Jerusalem artichoke fruits are achenes.

The benefits and harms of Jerusalem artichoke

But from the point of view of dietetics and pharmacology, it is grown for the sake of tubers, which are formed on the underground shoots of an earthen pear (hence, by the way, its name). In this case, a lot of tubers are formed, they have a cylindrical, rounded, often pear-shaped. Their flesh is tender and juicy, the taste is sweetish. It was because of the edible tubers that the plant began to be grown in America - and then it already came to the Old World.

Jerusalem artichoke is still found in the wild in North America today.


Currently, there are two main groups of varieties - early and late. The first includes such popular varieties as, for example, Jerusalem artichoke Red, Kiev white, Nakhodka, Skorospelka (here the name speaks for itself). The late varieties include Interest and News. Moreover, many gardeners choose the Variety Interest, since it is three times superior to potatoes in its yield, and these are very nutritious root crops.

Also in the market recently appeared hybrids, which are called sunflower. They really were bred by crossing Jerusalem artichoke with sunflower. They differ from these crops in the appearance and structure of the bush itself, since they are shorter, and their stems are thinner. Such hybrids include, for example, the topisolator Vostorg. Their advantage is that they retain all the useful dietary and medicinal properties of Jerusalem artichoke, but at the same time they also receive the ability of sunflower to remove salt deposits from joints, which is very important for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Composition and calorie content

The energy value of the earthen pear is small, it is about 72 kcal per 100 g.

You can often read that the tubers of this plant are close to potatoes in their chemical composition. To a certain extent, this is true. They contain up to 3% protein, fiber and pectin, essential amino acids, a number of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, in the earthen pear there is completely no alkaline of corned beef, which is formed in the light in raw potatoes and has toxic properties. Also, Jerusalem artichoke does not contain saturated fatty acids.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers contain the following substances:

  1. Inulin is part of the unique carbohydrate complex of earthen pear, which also includes fructose. Inulin is the main component of the system, in the human body it breaks down to fructose, so Jerusalem artichoke is indicated for diabetes.
  2. Amino acids (there are sixteen of them here, half of them are indispensable). Moreover, in their structure they are identical to thymus gland proteins, which play an important role in the functioning of the immune system.
  3. Organic acids (malic, raspberry, succinic, citric). They have strong antioxidant properties.
  4. Alimentary fiber. They contribute to the timely cleansing of the intestines from toxins.
  5. Silicon is a very important element that is necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes. Only 50 g of Jerusalem artichoke tubers will provide a daily requirement for this element.
  6. Iron is needed for blood formation processes, and its lack can lead to anemia.
  7. Potassium, calcium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, nitrogenous substances.
  8. Carotenoids, B vitamins.
  9. Ascorbic acid, necessary for strengthening blood vessels and acting as an antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties.
  10. Fructose.

It should also be noted that ascorbic acid and silicon together significantly increase natural immunity. However, silicon is also needed to strengthen teeth and bones, and in these tubers it is combined with calcium, which has similar properties, so that the healing effect is enhanced. Finally, it is silicon that gives Jerusalem artichoke its choleretic properties and prevents the formation of osteophytes in the joints.

Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke

General benefit

Earthen pear has many useful properties. Its benefits are as follows:

Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke

  1. Eating Jerusalem artichoke tubers helps to normalize digestion. This root crop allows you to create optimal conditions for the development of beneficial intestinal microflora, as well as relieves diarrhea and constipation.
  2. Jerusalem artichoke has biliary properties, so it is recommended to use it to prevent stagnation.
  3. Since the earth pear contains a lot of fiber, it helps to quickly remove toxins from the body. Therefore, its tubers are advised to eat for those who live in areas with adverse environmental conditions.
  4. Due to the presence of inulin in the composition of Jerusalem artichoke pulp, these root vegetables are advised to regularly eat food for diabetes to normalize blood glucose levels.
  5. The immunomodulatory properties of an earthen pear are due to the fact that it contains silicon and vitamin C (although it is more found in the green part of the plant, it is also enough in tubers). Eating this vegetable for food during the fall and winter helps to prepare the body well for the cold season.

Recent studies have shown that Jerusalem artichoke plays an important role in the prevention of cancer. It is also useful in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. This is due to the fact that it contains potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the heart muscle and raises the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Moreover, unlike finished pharmaceutical products, this root crop does not give any side effects.

Experts believe that Jerusalem artichoke is also useful to those who are actively involved in sports or work where they constantly experience high physical exertion.The fact is that the composition of tubers also includes arginine (one of the amino acids mentioned above) and phosphorus, namely they significantly increase the endurance of the body.

For women

A number of studies have shown that these root crops prevent cancer, including the development of malignant tumors of the mammary gland and uterus. This is due to the content of antioxidants. And the anti-inflammatory properties of these substances can prevent the development of diseases of the genitourinary system.

High iron levels are more than just anemia prevention. This helps prevent muscle atony, myocardiopathy, and also a chance to get rid of fatigue. Also, the unique chemical composition of earthen pear makes its tubers very useful for maintaining the beauty and health of hair, teeth and nails.

For men

The benefits of earth pear tubers for the strong half of humanity is that they contain zinc, ascorbic acid and other antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties and help prevent inflammation of the prostate gland. In addition, zinc is useful in that it generally has a beneficial effect on the state of the reproductive system.

Potassium contained in tubers not only regulates water and acid balance, but also helps to normalize blood pressure and improve heart function. Jerusalem artichoke is recommended to eat for hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, tachycardia (as you know, men are more susceptible to this disease). At the same time, in order to get the daily rate of potassium, it is enough to eat only 300 g of earthen pear tubers - and this is approximately a portion of soup or salad, the recipes of which will be given below.

Finally, it is worth noting that this vegetable contains a large amount of thiamine - this is a vitamin that is necessary for the normal course of carbohydrate metabolism. It is very necessary for those who regularly play sports. In addition, Jerusalem artichoke is useful not only for physical activity, but also for mental activity.

During pregnancy

Jerusalem artichoke is very useful for expectant mothers, because it provides the body with all the necessary substances and at the same time allows you to maintain normal weight due to its low calorie content. In addition, it prevents anemia, and in the second half of pregnancy it becomes an excellent cure for constipation, which many women experience during this period. Expectant mothers are even advised to eat one raw Jerusalem artichoke tuber per day, peeling it like an apple. But you can’t get carried away so that there is no flatulence.

Video: how to eat during pregnancy Expand

When breastfeeding

During lactation, raw Jerusalem artichoke should be consumed in moderation so that it does not cause increased gas formation and colic in the child. In all other respects, there are no serious restrictions. On the contrary, an earthen pear will help a young mother to quickly get in shape after childbirth, remove puffiness, help to lose weight and at the same time provide the body with all the necessary vitamins.

For kids

Jerusalem artichoke has no contraindications or side effects that would not allow children over three years of age to give it. But young children cannot be offered a raw earthen pear, as it can cause severe gas formation and colic. You can only add the plant tubers to the soup instead of potatoes (if the child has already reached the age when you can eat such vegetables).

The rest of Jerusalem artichoke is very useful for children. It helps strengthen immunity, prevent anemia and colds.

When losing weight

Jerusalem artichoke is an ideal substitute for potatoes for those who want to lose weight (primarily due to its low calorie content). However, it is proved that it also speeds up the metabolism, which contributes to weight loss. In addition, it contains many pectins, which, on the one hand, contribute to an effective and gentle cleansing of the intestines, and on the other hand, they become a source of nutrition for beneficial bacteria.These microorganisms contribute to better breakdown and absorption of food, which also allows you to lose weight.

Finally, the inulin mentioned above helps to normalize lipid metabolism and stop the accumulation of "bad" cholesterol. In addition to the prevention of atherosclerosis, it also provides weight loss.

Jerusalem artichoke syrup: benefits and applications

Jerusalem artichoke syrup is used as a sweetener, which is very useful for those who suffer from obesity or diabetes. Very often it is sold in stores already ready. This is a factory syrup, which should not contain anything but the earthen pear and citric acid as a safe preservative. Get the syrup from Jerusalem artichoke tubers by boiling them at low temperatures. This product has a sweetish honey flavor, but it is not sugary, which compares favorably with a similar agave sweetener.

Jerusalem artichoke syrup

Thus, Jerusalem artichoke syrup regulates blood sugar, improves digestion and improves metabolism.

How to make syrup

You can make syrup at home. Contrary to popular belief, this will not even require sugar. All that is needed is 1 kg of Jerusalem artichoke and freshly squeezed lemon juice, which will serve as a preservative.

The pear tubers are washed and peeled, then minced in a meat grinder or blender, after which this mass is squeezed through cheesecloth and juice is obtained. This liquid is poured into an enamel pan and set on fire. The syrup should be heated to 50-60 degrees, then reduce the heat to a minimum and leave the syrup to simmer. In the juice, natural biochemical processes occur that allow you to get a more viscous sweet liquid. The procedure with heating and natural cooling is repeated 5-6 times until the syrup of the desired density is obtained. Before the last heating, lemon juice is added to the syrup.

Then the syrup is poured into any previously prepared sterile containers and tightly corked with lids. Store the product only in the refrigerator.

Video: nutritionist Kowalkov about agave and Jerusalem artichoke syrups Expand

What are useful leaves and flowers of Jerusalem artichoke

Both leaves and flowers of Jerusalem artichoke contain many useful substances. Both are used to make tea, but they are used separately, since they differ significantly in their properties. So, earthen pear leaves, collected before flowering, contain pectins, mineral salts, and iron. Tea or infusion of Jerusalem artichoke leaves is used to treat gout, remove toxins from the body, and normalize blood sugar.

At the same time, Jerusalem artichoke flowers have choleretic properties. Tea made from such raw materials normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood and helps to reduce the manifestations of gastritis during exacerbation.

The benefits of dried Jerusalem artichoke

Dried earthen pear retains almost the same substances as in raw. Moreover, it is proved that in this case their content is significantly increased due to the fact that moisture leaves the product. By the way, in a pharmacy often dried Jerusalem artichoke is often sold in powder form. And this is a very good solution, because to save it otherwise for a long time is almost impossible. And powder is not only useful, but also in a certain sense convenient product, because it can be added to any dishes and drinks. In general, it has the same properties as raw root vegetables - it normalizes blood sugar, accelerates metabolic processes, increases immunity, etc.

How to dry

Tubers of an earthen pear are naturally dried, having selected previously healthy fruits. They are thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into thin plates.

There are several ways to dry at home:

  1. In the electric dryer. This is the fastest drying method. The Jerusalem artichoke plates prepared in the described manner are laid out on gratings. The temperature in this unit is set at 50-60 degrees.In this mode, the earthen pear is dried for four hours, it is recommended that the sections be periodically changed.
  2. In the oven. This is a more convenient and versatile way, since not every house has a dryer. In this case, you need to prepare Jerusalem artichoke by washing and peeling it. Its thinly sliced ​​slices are placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Jerusalem artichokes are laid out so that the plates do not touch each other. Drying is carried out at a temperature of 50 degrees. On average, this procedure takes up to three hours. But after this, Jerusalem artichoke is still left on the table for a day. Then it is again sent to dry, only this time the slices are turned over. If desired, if Jerusalem artichoke is used only for culinary purposes, it will be possible to sprinkle slices with salt or add aromatic herbs to taste.
  3. Drying in the sun. This is the most affordable of the ways, but also the longest. Root vegetables are prepared in the same way, after which they are laid out to air dry. This procedure generally takes about 4-5 days.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke needs to be stored in a paper or rag bag, but an ordinary glass jar with a screw cap is also suitable. The main thing is that she should stand in a dark place, and sun rays should not fall on her.

Video: how to dry Jerusalem artichoke and make powder Expand

Jerusalem artichoke juice: benefits and harms

Many confuse Jerusalem artichoke juice and its syrup. But in fact, these are two completely different products, although they have common properties. Juice is a freshly squeezed liquid obtained from root crops. It does not pass any additional processing. While the syrup is brought to a boil, it is subjected to heat treatment, due to which some of the nutrients are destroyed.

The easiest way to get juice is to make it in a juicer, after washing the earth pear and peeling it from the skin. Even when using a juicer, the pulp remains, so you need to squeeze it again through gauze - you get juice that can be added to the previously squeezed. You can handle it without a juicer, using a blender or meat grinder and squeezing the remainder through cheesecloth. How to drink juice for medicinal purposes will be discussed below.

Jerusalem artichoke in medicine

Due to its beneficial properties, Jerusalem artichoke is widely used in both folk and official medicine. With its help, they treat not only diabetes mellitus, but also diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis.

Jerusalem artichoke in medicine

With diabetes

As noted above, inulin promotes the utilization of glucose in the human body. That is why it is useful for diabetes. Recent studies have also shown that it can improve liver and pancreas function in diabetes-related complications. Therefore, with such a disease, it is useful to include an earthen pear in the daily menu, and drink freshly squeezed juice from its tubers.

Important: the glycemic index of Jerusalem artichoke is 30 units.

With pancreatitis

This term defines an inflammatory disease of the pancreas. With its acute form, therapeutic starvation is generally indicated, and Jerusalem artichoke cannot be included in the diet. But with prolonged remission, it can and should be eaten, as it contains inulin, which improves the functioning of the pancreas. Only most often an earthen pear in gout is consumed, like other vegetables, in boiled form, since in raw there is a high risk that the tubers will provoke increased gas formation.

With gastritis

With this disease, raw Jerusalem artichoke is also not allowed. But its syrup and decoctions are used to improve the condition of the gastric mucosa and to treat this disease as a whole.

For constipation

Due to the content of dietary fiber, tubers act as a mild laxative.For this, it’s not even necessary to use some complicated recipe, it’s enough just to include a raw earthen pear in your diet.

With gout

This disease is associated with deposits of uric acid salts. Jerusalem artichoke, unlike many other vegetables, not only does not contain purines, which could increase the level of uric acid, but also allows you to remove the accumulated salts. In addition to the fact that with gout, Jerusalem artichoke can be consumed raw and boiled, there are several more recipes for traditional medicine:

  1. Jerusalem artichoke juice and cherries. They are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting drink is drunk in small sips, 1 glass three times a day before meals.
  2. A mixture of grape juice, Jerusalem artichoke and apple, taken in equal proportions. This combination perfectly neutralizes uric acid. They drink it in the same way as the drink described above.
  3. Infusion of leaves and stems of Jerusalem artichoke. To do this, take stems from the top of the plant, as well as leaves, chop, take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of this mixture and pour two glasses of boiling water. The product is left to infuse overnight. In the morning it is filtered through cheesecloth. You need to drink it 50 ml four times a day, the duration of the course is 10 days.

Some phytotherapists recommend taking an infusion of Jerusalem artichoke with gout, which is prepared in the same way as the stalk remedy described above. But since even dried flowers contain nutrients in a higher concentration, then for 2 cups of boiling water take only 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials.

Recipes of traditional medicine based on Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke helps with a wide variety of diseases. In folk medicine, recipes for its use appeared long before the benefits of an earthen pear were proved by science. For example, you can use the following tools:

  1. Tincture for atherosclerosis. In equal proportions take the leaves of earthen pear, marjoram and lemon balm, literally 1 teaspoon is taken from this volume, which is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes. It is filtered before use. Such a drink can be drunk up to two glasses a day. In the absence of contraindications, honey is added there.
  2. Tincture of gastritis. In equal proportions, dry inflorescences of earthen pear, pharmacy chamomile, lemon balm leaves and Jerusalem artichoke are mixed. From this volume take only 1 teaspoon in a glass of boiling water. Insist her for 15 minutes, drink 2 glasses a day.
  3. Bath for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. A decoction of flowers and stems of Jerusalem artichoke is prepared for her. 100 g of Jerusalem artichoke stems and flowers are taken per 1 liter of cold water. This product is brought to a boil, simmered over low heat for 30 minutes, then filtered and poured into bath water.
  4. Juice. For anemia, it is recommended to drink two glasses of Jerusalem artichoke juice per day - before breakfast and before you go to bed.

From diabetes it is recommended to take half a glass of juice and dilute in equal proportions with water. Gradually, it will be necessary to bring the remedy to one glass, if there is no individual intolerance.

Jerusalem artichoke in cosmetology

Earth pear is very beneficial for the skin. Basically, various masks are prepared from root vegetables and their juice. For example:

Jerusalem artichoke in cosmetology

  1. Anti-aging agent. One or several Jerusalem artichoke tubers are ground on a grater and, without draining the juice from the resulting mass, add a spoonful of honey to it. This composition is applied to cleansed skin for 20 minutes, then washed off with warm water. This mask is recommended to be done every other day, it is best to take courses of three weeks, between which a break is required.
  2. Mask for dry skin. They take Jerusalem artichoke tuber, remove the skin, grind it, wait for it to release juice, then mix this whole mass with a spoon of olive or almond oil, apply the mixture to the skin of the face and hold for half an hour, and then rinse with warm water. In this case, a course lasting three weeks will give good results.
  3. Means for oily skin. Jerusalem artichoke can normalize the production of sebum. To do this, the tuber is ground on a grater and literally add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of nonfat milk.The mixture is applied to the skin for half an hour, then washed off. The duration of the course is two weeks, and you can do this mask every other day.
  4. Lotion from black dots. From several Jerusalem artichoke tubers, juice is obtained by wiping the face twice a day, morning and evening.

For hair, Jerusalem artichoke juice is often used, which contains a lot of iron, copper and vitamin C. All these components can improve the condition of the hair and enhance the production of collagen. Also, juice allows you to fight seborrhea, not so much due to the antibacterial effect, but due to the normalization of the sebaceous glands. Jerusalem artichoke juice is added to the water to rinse the hair. It can also be rubbed into the scalp. After application, it is left for several minutes, and then washed off.

Video: face mask with Jerusalem artichoke Expand

Harm and contraindications

Fortunately, Jerusalem artichoke does not contain harmful substances. But at the same time, when used in its raw form, moderation must be observed, since it contains many substances that contribute to increased gas formation. From them, an unpleasant sensation of heaviness may appear in the stomach. During heat treatment, these substances are destroyed, but the amount of vitamins decreases.

Do not forget also that, like any other plant product, an earthen pear can cause individual intolerance. In such cases, you can’t use the product, of course. But Jerusalem artichoke has no other contraindications.

How to choose and store Jerusalem artichoke

When choosing Jerusalem artichoke, you need to pay attention to its texture. The root crop should be sufficiently solid, dense and resilient, while shriveled, soft and sluggish tubers can be immediately discarded, they should not be cooked, and they will not be stored for a long time. On the skin of an earthen pear, no defects, damage or stains should be visible, although roughness is allowed.

It is recommended to store the earthen pear in a plastic bag, and preferably in a paper bag in the refrigerator. But in this case, the shelf life will be no longer than two weeks. In a city apartment, a large amount of Jerusalem artichoke can be stored only on an unheated balcony, in a wooden box. Under such conditions, it can be stored for one to three months. The latter, however, happens quite rarely.

When to collect

Harvest of Jerusalem artichoke is harvested in late October - early November. To do this, cut the stems in advance and carefully dig in the plant so as not to damage its tubers. The later the crop is harvested, the larger the size of root crops will be and the higher the content of vitamins and minerals.

Is it possible to freeze

Those who grow an earthen pear themselves know that it tolerates frosts well. Therefore, theoretically, it can be frozen. But it should be noted that at negative temperatures, biochemical processes begin, during which inulin turns into fructose. That is, frozen tubers will have a sweeter taste than fresh ones. But freezing allows you to overcome the main drawback of Jerusalem artichoke - its short shelf life. Due to low temperatures, pathogenic bacteria will not threaten him, and he will retain his structure and color. It is clear that after defrosting Jerusalem artichoke can no longer be eaten raw, but it can be boiled or cooked with soup.

You can freeze an earthen pear in a variety of ways, including grating, cutting into slices, just peeling it off, placing it in the freezer as a whole. Many cooks advise blanching Jerusalem artichoke in water or steam, that is, immerse it for several seconds in a boiling medium. So it turns out to maintain the original taste of the product.

The biggest drawback of freezing is that it is suitable only for cases when the volume of the crop is small, and it can all fit in the freezer.

Video: how to store Jerusalem artichoke Expand

How to use Jerusalem artichoke

In the old days there was a saying that any product is poison and medicine, it all depends on the dose. And Jerusalem artichoke is also concerned.

How to use Jerusalem artichoke

How much can you eat per day

In raw form, you can eat up to 150 g of Jerusalem artichoke per day - this is the norm for an adult. And then experts recommend dividing it into three meals - for example, you can prepare a salad of fresh root vegetables for breakfast, lunch and dinner. If we are talking about boiled or baked earthen pears, then the recommended amount is increased to 300 g - for example, in mashed potatoes or cream soup.

Jerusalem artichoke syrup can be used as a sweetener, it is often added to tea or coffee by people suffering from obesity or diabetes. On the day you can eat no more than 3 tbsp. spoons.

Finally, tea is brewed not from the roots, but from the leaves of Jerusalem artichoke - for 500 ml of boiling water there is only 1 tbsp. a spoonful of plant material. The finished drink should just be enough for three doses.

Is it possible to eat sprouted

If the sprouted potato contains solanine, then this substance is not in the Jerusalem artichoke. But it’s better still not to eat vegetables that have reached such a state — they no longer have anything useful.

What can be cooked from Jerusalem artichoke: recipes

In European cuisine, Jerusalem artichoke has received the widest distribution. It is steamed, baked, boiled, mashed and souffled, stewed with creamy sauce and served as a side dish for meat dishes. So that it does not lose its light shade, it is recommended to add lemon juice in a small amount in the water for its preparation. Also, in order to preserve as many vitamins as possible, it is recommended to cook an earthen pear in a peel. In general, it is quite difficult to remove due to the small thickness. Very often, along with her, they throw out a lot of valuable pulp. To avoid this, experienced chefs recommend blanching the root crop.


A very tasty and healthy salad can be prepared from Jerusalem artichoke and cherry tomatoes. To do this, take 0.5 g of Jerusalem artichoke 150 g of cherry tomatoes, and for dressing - half a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, a pinch of Provencal herbs mixture, ground black pepper and sea salt to taste.

Jerusalem artichoke is peeled and cut into medium sized slices. Cherry tomatoes, in principle, do not need to be cut, but if they are large, you can cut in half. Then salt, pepper, Provence herbs are mixed, sprinkled with Jerusalem artichoke and cherry tomatoes and baked in an oven heated to 150 degrees. Cooking time is approximately 20 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of the process, vegetables are watered with dressing made from vegetable oil mixed with orange juice.

Mashed potatoes

This dish is quite capable of replacing mashed potatoes. For its preparation take 0.5 kg of Jerusalem artichoke, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of low-fat cream, salt and spices to taste, up to 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Jerusalem artichoke is peeled, while trying to cut as little pulp as possible. Then it is put into water and boiled for about 20 minutes until it becomes soft. After this, the root crops are removed from the water and whipped in a blender until puree, adding salt and cream, butter, and, if desired, other spices. You can stretch the tubers with the usual pusher, but it will take more time.


Of Jerusalem artichoke, cream soup is most often made. It can be served with baked pumpkin or grilled champignon skewers. The easiest serving option is with croutons. And he is preparing very simply. For 0.5-0.6 kg of Jerusalem artichoke take one large stalk of leek with its delicate taste and spicy smell, 200 g of cottage cheese, the same amount of cream not too greasy, a couple of cloves of garlic, salt, black pepper, herbs and smoked paprika to taste.

Jerusalem artichoke is cleaned and poured with water, salt is added and boiled until soft. Leek and garlic finely chopped and sautéed in vegetable oil. Then all this is added to a soft Jerusalem artichoke, put the cottage cheese, pour cream and whip in a blender. Return the soup to the stove, bring to a boil and pour on plates, sprinkled with aromatic herbs and chopped smoked paprika.


Of course, calling this coffee drink is not entirely correct, but it can actually replace a cup of espresso.Coffee is prepared in this case from a powder, for the preparation of which you will need 10 Jerusalem artichoke tubers. The earthen pear is thoroughly washed, cleaned and rubbed on a fine grater. Then this mass is fried in a dry thick-walled pan, stirring constantly. Fire should be minimal. This process will take about 10 minutes. Jerusalem artichoke fried in this way is ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state. To prepare one serving of the drink, 2 teaspoons of powder per 100 ml of water will be needed. It is prepared in the same way as real coffee, in cezve. You can add 1 teaspoon of sugar or its substitute. The coffee is brought to a boil, left on low heat for 1-2 minutes, then allowed to brew for another 5 minutes.


Today, Jerusalem artichoke jam produced in the factory is sold in stores. But you can cook it at home, especially since the “cold” method is most often used for this. Such jam is not necessary to cook, and at the same time it allows you to save more nutrients. The finished product has a very peculiar, albeit pleasant taste. It can be used as an independent dessert, added to porridge or pancakes, used as a filling for pies.

For jam per 1 kg of earthen pear, take 250 g of flower honey and 2 lemons. Jerusalem artichoke tubers are peeled and ground on a grater, then honey is added to the resulting puree and left to infuse for 15 minutes. Lemons, meanwhile, are washed, cut into several parts, the bones are extracted, and then the flesh together with the peel is crushed in a blender. Both pureed masses are combined and mixed, and then transferred to sterile jars. This jam can be stored for several months, a maximum of six months.

In the recipe above, you can take an orange instead of one lemon - the taste will become more saturated.

Candied fruit

Candied Jerusalem artichoke is a great alternative to harmful confectionery.

Cooking them is easy. For 100 g of earthen pear, take 80 g of powdered sugar and 150 g of honey. The tubers are peeled, cut into thin plates. Honey is diluted in half a glass of pure water, and the prepared Jerusalem artichoke plates are soaked in the resulting mixture for half an hour. Then these pieces are laid out on a baking sheet and heated in the oven at minimum temperature. Willingness will have to be determined experimentally. It is important that the pieces do not become too dry. When they are ready, they are rolled in icing sugar.

Video: vitamin and healthy Jerusalem artichoke salad Expand

Is it possible to give Jerusalem artichoke to animals

Is it possible to give Jerusalem artichoke to animals

Jerusalem artichoke tubers are happy to eat rabbits, sheep and goats. They can even be given to cattle. It is indeed a very healthy product that provides animals with vitamins and improves digestion. But, unfortunately, tubers are not subject to long-term storage. However, they make flour from Jerusalem artichoke, which is added to the feed, and even for pets - dogs and cats. So Jerusalem artichoke in one form or another is useful to all animals.

Interesting facts about Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke is a plant that is known by many different names. For the first time it came to Europe in the 17th century along with the Tupinambu Indians. The corresponding name root crops received in France and Portugal. But in some countries they are called an earthen pear, which is explained by the shape of tubers, barrels - by analogy with potatoes and even Jerusalem artichoke. The latter is due to the fact that in Italy, apparently, they knew that Jerusalem artichoke was a relative of sunflower and named it the same way as this flower - girasole. And this word was subsequently distorted to Jerusalem.

Be that as it may, it is a very useful plant. It is resistant to frost, drought and even acid rain. Some experts claim that Jerusalem artichoke does not even accumulate pesticides and other agricultural chemistry in significant concentrations, which can not be said about other plants.Finally, it contributes to the cultivation of soils, which is very important for effective agriculture. And the earthen pear produces oxygen very intensively and absorbs carbon dioxide.

«Important: all information on the site is provided exclusively in fact-finding purposes. Before applying any recommendations, consult with a profile specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are liable for any possible harm caused materials. "

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