Rooibos Tea: Health Benefits

Tea and coffee are two drinks that have gained their fans around the world. Nowadays, people have begun to monitor their health more and more and prefer special herbal preparations that can strengthen the body and increase immunity. This type of drink is rooibos tea.

What is rooibos

The name "rooibos" or "rooibos" itself comes from the name of the bush, the leaves and shoots of which are brewed to prepare this drink. The fact is that the plant has a red color, and "rooibos" - this is the "red bush". It reaches a height of 2-3 meters, and its leaves are more like pine needles. For cooking, it is customary to use shoots and leaves. And although around the world the drink is considered tea, this is not quite the right opinion, because the bush belongs to the legume family, so the tea in it is just a way of brewing.

The benefits and harms of rooibos tea

The homeland of rooibos is considered to be South Africa. It was the indigenous people of that area who discovered the amazing and fragrant taste of tea. They considered the drink a gift of the gods, prolonging life. The most amazing thing is that rooibos grows in only one single place. All attempts to cultivate it in another locality ended in complete collapse.

The Dutch first evaluated the properties of the herbal drink in the 18th century, and the very first written mention of it dates back to 1772 and is contained in notes by the Swedish naturalist Karl Peter Thunberg.

A century later, Benjamin Ginsberg found the best way to procure raw materials. Then plantations appeared, and at the very beginning of the 20th century, rooibos began its victorious march through the countries of Europe.

In 1930, the doctor Nortier agreed with South African farmers to grow tea, or rather shrubs, in large quantities in order to be able to make wonderful phytotea and sell it.

To date, the plant is grown in South Africa in the Soderberg Valley. The annual turnover is approximately 12 thousand tons per year, of which half is exported. The largest exporters of rooibos are considered to be Germany, Japan, Britain, the United States and the Netherlands.

Growing technology has not changed much since the days of the ancient inhabitants of the South African continent, who discovered a magical plant. In July and August, plantations are sown with rooibos seeds, which are grown for a year and a half. Then, the bushes that have gained strength are cut off and tied into bundles, which are sent to the industrial zone. There, wizards make magical rooibos tea, now known all over the world.

Species and varieties

Types of tea depend on the methods of its processing associated with fermentation processes - processing of raw materials, built on the principle of converting the original product into another with the help of its own enzymes.

It is customary to distinguish two types of this drink: red and green. Green color of tea is obtained due to steam processing of raw materials immediately after collection. In this case, the fermentation of the plant stops, and it becomes green.

In the case of red rooibos, the fermentation process occurs naturally. After that, the welding is rolled between the rollers and left to dry.

The drinks also differ in taste: green has a more pronounced herbal smell and a more delicate aftertaste, while red has a woody-nutty taste and a harsh aroma. Fans of red rooibos are advised to add slices of strawberries, pineapples, peaches or other fruits. With them, rooibos acquires unique shades of taste and rich aroma.

Now you can try different varieties of this tea drink, which are obtained by adding various flavorings to the main composition. For example:

  • Kalahari, where cornflower and lemongrass flowers are added;
  • vanilla;
  • marrakech with orange;
  • strawberry;
  • with orange and almond and others.

After tasting different varieties of tea, you can feel the whole gamut of shades of the taste of an exotic drink in combination with components that add an original twist.

Composition and calorie content

In the pursuit of health, or rather, to preserve it, it is very important to know the components of a product. African tea also has its own calorie content and chemical composition. So, the number of kilocalories per 100 g is 16, the fat content is 0.8, the protein is 0.83, and the carbohydrate is 1.17.

This drink contains calcium, fluorine, manganese, iron, natural tetracycline, sodium, zinc, potassium, vitamins C, A, P, E, as well as group B. In addition, herbal tea is rich in flavonoids (natural components that activate enzymes in human body), phytoncides (substances of biological origin that can kill and stop the growth of bacteria and microscopic organisms), essential oils, phenocarboxylic acids, antioxidants.

Such a rich content of nutrients and microelements has led rooibos to a leading position among drinks that help maintain human health.

Useful properties of rooibos

Useful properties of rooibos

General benefit

African natives consider the rooibos drink to be magical and prolong life. Studies conducted by specialists in these areas have partially confirmed the guesses and, perhaps, the knowledge of the inhabitants of the South African Republic. Experts have proved that amazing tea has a whole list of useful “qualities”, and its composition is unparalleled. Japanese experts agreed with this, and as you know, no one appreciates the properties of tea like the wise people of Japan, who for centuries have studied the healing nature of many herbal teas and herbs. The beneficial properties of a drink from South Africa include the following:

  • prevention of intestinal disorders in people of any age;
  • protecting the heart and strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • relief from allergies;
  • elimination of asthma symptoms;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • prevention of caries;
  • prevention of constipation;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • bone strengthening;
  • help in eliminating nausea and vomiting;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • preventive effect against cataracts, eczema, atherosclerosis;
  • non-addictive natural antidepressant;
  • use in anthelmintic prevention and treatment;
  • positive effect on brain activity;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • normalization of liver function.

And, also the prevention of cancer, because the presence of an element such as superoxide dismutase in the composition is a way to combat active radicals.

People with urolithiasis can also not be afraid of drinking tea, since oxalic acid is absent in its composition.

The healing effect of the drink is achieved due to antioxidants and special plant components that remove toxins and toxins from the human body, as a result of which the internal environment is depleted.

For women

So, the useful properties of rooibos can hardly be overestimated, but its beneficial effect on the female body should be separately noted.

  1. The presence of sufficient antioxidants inhibits the aging process of the epidermis.
  2. The menstrual cycle is normalized.
  3. The drink helps in the treatment of skin diseases.
  4. Tea will help women cope with insomnia, increased irritability, or depression.

Ladies are known to be more prone to stress than gentlemen. After a busy day it will not be out of place to drink a cup of a wonderful drink that will calm and warm the restless female soul with the rays of the African sun reflected in every drop of the miraculous elixir.

For men

The stronger sex also needs support and care, restoration of energy and physical strength, raising tone. Having healing properties, rooibos will help men to cope with the following problems:

  1. If male activity is associated with overstrain and physical exertion, then tea can not only strengthen the body, but also, eliminating signs of fatigue, give energy and replenish lost energy.
  2. In addition, the drink increases masculine strength, so that a strong half of humanity should not deny themselves the pleasure of enjoying this magical “potion”.
  3. Another useful feature is help with a hangover syndrome. It's all about magnesium, which is part of the drink. That is why tea relieves headaches, normalizes blood pressure and soothes the nervous system. It is recommended to pour 0.25 tsp in a glass of boiling water. tea leaves and insist before use for 15 minutes. So before you swallow aspirin and other medicines for a hangover, you should drink a cup of fragrant herbal tea, which will eliminate the "suffering" of the body and bring him only good!

During pregnancy

The beautiful half of the planet’s humanity, being in a state of pregnancy, is more wary of everything that surrounds it. Such an attitude arises among expectant mothers for food and drinks, because now they have a responsibility not only for themselves, but also for the small life inside them.

Experts, having studied the beneficial properties of rooibos, came to the following conclusions:

  1. The lack of caffeine and tannin in small doses allows pregnant women to drink, without fear for the health of the baby.
  2. The high iron content makes tea indispensable for anemia in pregnant women.
  3. The ability to deal with constipation and increased flatulence, frequent problems of pregnant women, also has a beneficial effect on women in position.
  4. When a drink is consumed, excess fluid is eliminated and edema is reduced.
  5. Do not forget about the presence of folic acid, a particularly important element in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  6. In addition, during pregnancy, one should not forget about all the other useful properties of tea, which will not only not harm, but also help to cope with toxicosis and strengthen the mother’s immune system. Acquaintance with herbal tea in this case, experts advise starting with the classic varieties of the drink without additives and flavorings.
  7. Anxiety and insomnia of future parents also has a place to be, therefore, to normalize sleep and calm the rooibos is indicated for use!

In the first trimester, it is recommended to take a drink no more than one cup per day, because it has the property of reducing pressure. In the second and third trimester, you can increase the "dose" to two or three cups.

When breastfeeding

The appearance of the baby is initially a stress for the female body. Rooibos tea will help a young mother cope with postpartum depression and establish lactation by increasing the amount of mother's milk, and it is also hypoallergenic, so you can drink it without fear.

Video: what can a nursing mother drink Expand

For kids

The beneficial properties of tea have been proven by numerous studies that have confirmed its benefits and positive effects not only on adults but also on children. You can take the drink even the smallest, because for the full development you will need zinc, potassium, fluorine and many different trace elements that this wonderful phyto tea can boast of. Also, a positive effect in the fight against colic in infants has been proven by researchers. Tea can be used during acute respiratory infections as a preventative measure and to increase the body's resistance to infections. Thus, the use of rooibos by children leads to the correct formation of the immune system, and the body as a whole. In addition, glucose is included in the composition, which makes its taste sweet and pleasant for small gourmets.

When losing weight

Weight loss itself is impossible without a properly composed diet and physical activity, but if you use this tea drink, the process will clearly improve.Rooibos helps remove excess water from the body, eliminate stool problems and normalize the metabolic process. Nutritionists urge you to take tea one hour before a meal, as the appetite is dulled and the desire to gain extra calories self-destructs. But at the same time, do not forget that you need to drink the drink without additives and not with five tablespoons of sugar!

Rooibos in medicine

Rooibos in medicine

Currently, doctors in many countries, based on scientific arguments and developments related to studying the composition and effect of tea on humans, have come to the conclusion that the positive effect of taking such a drink can not only be used as a prophylaxis, but also be an adjuvant. Tea is recommended for the following diseases:

  • radiation exposure;
  • pathology of the heart;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hypertension;
  • cataract;
  • diabetes;
  • liver disease
  • atherosclerosis;
  • allergy;
  • eczema
  • asthma;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • stress;
  • neurosis;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • food poisoning;
  • flatulence;
  • arthritis;
  • heartburn;
  • increased cholesterol.

So, the beneficial properties of rooibos are recognized by official medicine, and people who take tea daily are direct evidence of the unique healing effect of the South African treasure.

With diabetes

It should be separately highlighted the possibility of taking a tea drink to patients suffering from a disease such as diabetes. Everyone knows that with such a disease, people should carefully monitor their sugar intake so as not to aggravate the situation.

Tea contains the antioxidant aspalatin, which has a useful antidiabetic effect, namely it reduces insulin resistance, and also helps to control the balance of blood sugar levels and reduces the amount of harmful lipids. This mysterious drink can prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. Also, one should not forget that herbal tea is useful to those people who are at risk. Doctors recommend drinking rooibos no more than three glasses a day.

With gastritis

Studying the effect of the drink on various human organs, its benefits and possible harm, the scientific community came to the conclusion that rooibos has a mild effect on the gastrointestinal tract without causing exacerbations of the inflamed mucosa, so it is recommended to take two to three glasses throughout the day. It is not recommended to drink hot rooibos, as at high temperatures, herbal tea can cause stomach spasm.


Many people during the seasonal struggle with various kinds of infections seek to find a tool that can increase the body's resistance to SARS and ARI. Such a tool may well be rooibos tea. To do this, take a green drink, because it contains more antioxidants than red. A decoction of this magical plant can be used as an expectorant to help ease the process of sputum discharge. You can also gargle a sore throat and, naturally, use it internally to cope with the infection, alleviate the general condition and strengthen the body's immune system.

With pancreatitis

Pancreatic disease requires special care. Rooibos tea is one of the few drinks that is not banned for use with pancreatitis. Its recommended dose is three to four cups a day without additives, sugar or flavorings. It should be remembered that rooibos is used in lightly brewed form.

Application in cosmetology

Female beauty has always been praised by poets and artists, but women themselves from time immemorial have been looking for all kinds of ways to look even more beautiful. In pursuit of eternal youth, beautiful nymphs turned to sorcerers and magicians. The time of ancient rituals has passed, but the ladies are diligently looking for the elixir of youth, capable, if not perpetuate, at least extend their beauty.Such an elixir may well become a rooibos, capable of preserving the youthfulness of the skin, cleansing the body and prolonging the beauties' youth, making them, finally, happy and satisfied after so many searches!

The use of rooibos in cosmetology

Currently, the plant is used in the manufacture of cosmetics of various brands. Such funds are especially popular among residents of the United States, who appreciated the moisturizing and rejuvenating effect of rooibos.

The unique composition of the plant helps to cope with facial wrinkles and the first signs of aging, as professional cosmetic preparations do.

There are many recipes for the preparation of various masks and elixirs that can restore and fill the skin with new vitality. Here are just a few of them:

  1. To combat inflammation and eczema, moisten a cosmetic towel with rooibos tea leaves and put on your face. Use liquid at room temperature. For the best effect, you can add a few drops of lavender oil. Such a compress will moisturize and smooth the skin, returning it velvety, radiant and healthy looking.
  2. To combat bruises under the eyes, moisten cotton pads in a decoction of medicinal tea and put on problem areas, relax and wait five to seven minutes. If you use this tool regularly (once or twice a week), then the effect will be noticeable very soon.
  3. To smooth wrinkles and get an even complexion, just add 1 tsp. tea to any home-made mask.
  4. You can also use a rooibos decoction for washing instead of water. To do this, take 1 tsp. tea leaves in one glass of water, boil and leave to cool. Such a decoction is suitable not only for washing, but also for rinsing hair. By the way, using tea as a rinse will help women find thick and shiny hair, just like in the advertising of famous shampoos.
  5. The broth can be frozen in cubes, and in the morning “wake up” the skin with such “goodies”. This procedure starts the rejuvenation process, nourishes the skin with life-giving moisture and fights inflammation.
  6. After boiling the broth for five minutes, you should moisten a cotton pad in it and attach it to the most problematic area of ​​the inflamed skin or mucous membrane. As a result of such manipulations, the inflammation will pass, redness will disappear.
  7. For sunburn, tea should be brewed at the rate of 1 tsp. in a glass of water, let it brew for five to seven minutes, and then lubricate the inflamed skin. The effect will exceed all expectations!
  8. To narrow the pores, you can prepare a mask of oatmeal with apple cider vinegar, lemon, honey and rooibos. To do this, take 3 tbsp. oatmeal, 1 tsp apple cider vinegar, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp tea leaves rooibos. Mix all the ingredients and apply on the face with an even layer, with the exception of the skin around the eyes. After 5 minutes (you can’t keep longer!), Wash off the mask with warm water.
  9. Tightening the skin at home is also possible. Beauticians recommend making the following mask: take 1 tbsp. oatmeal, olive oil, rooibos tea leaves and 1 protein. Beat the protein first until foamy, and then add rooibos, butter, and cereal. Apply this mask to the face and neck and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.
  10. For hair growth, you can prepare a decoction of burdock and rooibos leaves. Take dried burdock roots and water in a ratio of 1:10 and boil for about fifteen minutes. Then cool for about three hours and add the rooibos broth in a ratio of 1: 1. Rinse hair with shampoo after shampoo. Such a tool is suitable for daily use.
  11. To get rid of the notorious orange peel, you can again turn to fabulous tea. It is necessary to add a strong broth to the water each time and take a bath for 7-10 minutes. Hateful cellulite will disappear, and the skin will tighten. In addition, such baths will help to relax and relieve nervous tension.

In the manufacture of masks, rinses and other products, one should not neglect precautions and conduct a skin tolerance test of the cosmetic composition, asindividual intolerance of components - a serious thing and is quite capable of delivering a lot of trouble. In addition, people prone to allergic reactions should also be cautious and consult a doctor.

Video: mask and hair conditioner made of tea Expand

Harm and contraindications

With all its variety of positive qualities, tea has negative aspects. Contraindications of the drink:

  1. It is better for diabetics to consult a doctor, since glucose is part of the composition.
  2. Prolonged and regular use of herbal tea is also not recommended for hypotonic patients, as rooibos reduces pressure.
  3. In case of anemia, you should drink tea only after eating.
  4. Individual intolerance is considered the most important contraindication to use, so it is recommended that you begin the process of exploring this healing drink with small portions, or rather, sips. In addition, tea has a specific taste and a pungent odor.

How to choose and store

When choosing precious tea at a store or pharmacy, the buyer should adhere to the following rules:

How to choose and store rooibos tea

  1. Before buying, be sure to read the composition on the package. Good tea should contain only natural ingredients of natural origin (spices, herbs, dry berries).
  2. The infusion should be friable and have equal sized pieces.
  3. The presence of pieces of twigs or bark in the composition of the brewing material indicates a high quality of the drink, but the presence of yellow leaves indicates a low quality.
  4. When choosing a weighted or packaged drink, you should still give preference to the first, because it has a more intense taste and smell. But tea "in bags" is not inferior to weight in useful properties, so do not worry that vitamins are not "reported" to a bag.

Keep the tea leaves in a dry and cool place. In this case, it is better to purchase a special ceramic or glass jar with a ground lid, because the denser it adjoins, the longer the drink will retain its beneficial substances, unique taste and aroma. The shelf life of tea is about one and a half to two years.

How to brew and drink rooibos

Making rooibos is similar to brewing regular tea. There are no special secrets, but there are still rules:

  1. To begin with, it is worth deciding on the dishes, which can be absolutely any, but experts do not recommend using clay products due to the fact that, in their opinion, the wonderful aroma of the drink is lost in such dishes. And the rest are no restrictions. You can brew in a teapot, glass or thermos.
  2. For one glass of boiled water you need to take 1 tsp. tea leaves and pour boiling water, stand for 5 minutes, and then drain. This is done in order to get rid of harmful microorganisms and dust. Then pour boiling water again, wait 5-7 minutes and enjoy the tea.
  3. True connoisseurs of this drink recommend boiling it, and not just pour boiling water. When boiled, the color becomes ruby, and the taste and aroma become more saturated.
  4. Chilled tea can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, while most of the nutrients will remain in it almost intact. The tea leaves themselves can be used several times, namely 3-4, while neither taste nor healthy qualities undergo significant changes.
  5. In the first use, it is better to add slices of pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, caramel, etc. This will allow you to enjoy the exotic taste, get used to the drink and have fun every time.

In addition, there are various recipes for preparing herbal tea, for example, rooibos espresso. Yes Yes! From this amazing plant you can make a real espresso, but only very healthy. For the first time such an experiment was performed by the South American Pretorius.To make it, he needed an ordinary espresso coffee machine. He picked up a special kind of rooibos and as a result received a drink that is very similar in appearance to the famous coffee and even has the same foam. Pretorius patented his invention, and then, having completed the recipe, he opened a whole "tea and coffee" direction, which includes espresso, red latte, and red cappuccino.

It’s unlikely that they can make these drinks on their own, as the recipe and technology are patented, but prophylactic tea to strengthen the immune system to brew itself is quite capable. For him you will need: 1 tsp. rooibos, one lemon and one orange, 1 tsp sage leaves and, accordingly, 1 glass of water.

Take a teapot or thermos, put there a citrus zest, cut into small pieces, tea leaves, sage and pour boiling water. Insist 5-10 minutes. Such a drink will protect against colds and warm in the cold season.

An authentic method of brewing tea is also known, in which 2 tsp is used per glass of liquid. tea leaves. Pour boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, and then boil for another 5 minutes. With this brewing method, the drink acquires a more pronounced color, aroma and taste.

In addition to the brewing rules, there are also features of the use of this tea:

  1. To minimize the negative effects on the stomach, you should choose a comfortable temperature and abandon excessively hot consumption.
  2. It’s better to refrain from adding sugar, as it reduces the amount of nutrients and is able to spoil the taste.
  3. It is not recommended to drink medicines with rooibos.
  4. Also, do not drink it on an empty stomach.

How many times can I brew

You can make tea up to 5-6 times.

Video: how to brew rooibos tea Expand

Interesting Facts

Interesting facts about rooibos

  1. Not far from Kuala Lumpur, in Malaysia, is the world's only museum dedicated to tea from South Africa.
  2. If you water the indoor plants with the rest of the drink, then it will do them, like a person, only for the benefit.
  3. Surprisingly, tea, depending on the time of day, affects the body in different ways: in the morning it invigorates, during the day it energizes and improves mood, and in the evening it helps to get rid of tiredness and plunge into a healthy and relaxing sleep.
  4. Rooibos can be consumed not only as a drink, but also used as a seasoning for many dishes, such as chicken, various sauces, etc. It is also added in the manufacture of marmalade, and some chefs advise instead of milk to add a decoction of herbal tea to the base for baking, which gives the products an amazing tenderness and softness.
  5. First, farmers from South Africa planted too many bushes, because they did not calculate the real demand for the drink, so the price fell so much that rooibos became available to almost everyone.
  6. Today, when most scientists around the world are concerned about the process of global warming, specialists from the research center in South Africa to study the properties of rooibos tea are also concerned about this phenomenon. They believe that warming could lead to the extinction of this unique plant.

So, the benefits of drinking rooibos tea have been proven not only by scientists, but also by ordinary people who, using it, were able to improve the overall picture of physical health and get rid of various diseases. But still you should not take a magical remedy for a panacea that can heal from serious ailments!

This tea is a kind of heritage of the distant and mysterious South African ancestors of mankind, who were able to pass on to future generations the knowledge about the healing properties of a magical drink that heals from the inside and prolongs life.

Herbal tea is truly unique and has no analogues in the world, so thousands of people have become its admirers and connoisseurs.They are quenched with thirst or simply drunk, enjoying the unique aroma and mysterious taste that can transfer to the valleys of Africa that breathe in the sun, which so carefully keeps its secrets, but sometimes favorably gives some treasures to people.

«Important: all information on the site is provided exclusively in fact-finding purposes. Before applying any recommendations, consult with a profile specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are liable for any possible harm caused materials. "

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