Blueberries: health benefits and harms

Everyone knows a dark blue, almost black berry with a characteristic taste, the juice of which is difficult to wash. In most people, blueberries are associated with good vision, however, in addition to a positive effect on the eyes, the berries of this plant have a significant therapeutic effect on other human organs.

Where does blueberry grow

The plant is a perennial small shrub with nutritious and medicinal fruits. The height of individual bushes of the plant reaches from 20 to 60 cm, depending on the climatic characteristics of the environment. Most often, the plant can be found in mixed forests of northern Europe, North America and Asia.

The benefits and harms of blueberries

In our country, blueberries can be found in coniferous or mixed forests near marshy areas.


Blueberries are divided into two types: wild and garden. Wild shrubs grow in natural conditions without the participation of human activity. A garden variety of berries was bred by a person by crossing. Hybrid shrubs in many ways exceed the taste and size of wild berries.

Among the blueberries bred by man, the following varieties were most famous:

  1. Bluecrop - can grow at temperatures up to -35 degrees.
  2. Chanticleer is one of the earliest varieties, the flowering of which begins immediately after the completion of spring frosts.
  3. Herbert is a variety that is distinguished by great fruitful ability and resistance to hot climates.

In our country, such varieties of berries were bred as the keen eye, the pearl of the forest, Elizabeth and Sadovaya.

What is the difference between blueberries and blueberries

Both berries have a similar origin, they belong to the heather family. It will be difficult for an inexperienced person to distinguish between the fruits of blueberries and blueberries.

The main differences:

  1. Blueberry bushes are smaller - their height is up to 5 times less.
  2. The fruits of blueberries form clusters, blueberries grow individually.
  3. The color of blueberry fruits has a lighter shade in contrast to blueberries, whose berries have a dark blue color.
  4. Blueberry juice has a rich color and is quite difficult to wash, unlike blueberries, which have no shade.
  5. Blueberry fruits have a more fresh taste.

Composition and calorie content

Blueberries have a low nutritional value. 100 g contains only 55 kcal. Of these, proteins comprise 1.0 g, fats - 0.5 g, carbohydrates - 7.5 g. In addition, the fruits have a significant water content of 86 g. The amount of ash is 0.5 g.

Blueberries are rich in useful components that determine its healing properties. Among them, tannins, ascorbic acid, carotene, organic acids and a high content of B vitamins deserve special attention.

Useful properties of blueberries

Useful properties of blueberries

General benefit

What good blueberries are:

  1. Promotes blood thinning and prevents the development of thrombosis.
  2. It is the prevention of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Normalizes the amount of cholesterol.
  4. It has the ability to slow down the aging process.
  5. Helps strengthen immunity.
  6. Restores visual acuity.
  7. Regulates the level of glucose in the bloodstream.
  8. Restores the vitamin-mineral balance in the body.
  9. It removes harmful toxic and slag compounds from the body.
  10. Helps maintain normal hemoglobin levels due to the presence of iron.
  11. It has antimicrobial properties.

For women

The benefits of blueberries for the female body are as follows:

  1. Reduces pain during the menstrual cycle and during PMS.
  2. It is a good prevention of diseases of the reproductive system.
  3. Reduces the likelihood of developing ailments to which the urinary system of the female body, in particular cystitis, is predisposed.
  4. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves mood, and also reduces the risk of developing mental disorder and depression.
  5. Promotes skin rejuvenation and hair strengthening.

For men

Daily use of blueberries has a beneficial effect on the male body:

  1. Improves brain activity, while reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
  2. It normalizes cardiac activity and helps dissolve excess cholesterol.
  3. Due to its ability to reduce blood coagulation, it strengthens the functioning of the prostate gland and reduces the risk of developing diseases of the genitourinary system.
  4. Reduces the inflammatory process.
  5. Increases male libido.
  6. Soothes the nervous system.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is important for a woman to receive only the most useful and necessary components for the healthy development of the fetus. Blueberries will cope with this task no worse than any vitamin complex, however, the expectant mother should not forget that during the third semester of the "interesting position" it is worth restricting foods that are predisposed to allergic reactions. Blueberries are just one of them. At the same time, one should not completely abandon the use of healthy berries; there will be no harm from the handful eaten.

The benefits of the berry for a pregnant woman are as follows:

  • improves mood;
  • promotes the elimination of harmful substances;
  • normalizes hemoglobin level;
  • has a mild choleretic and diuretic property;
  • removes excess moisture from the body, thereby preventing the development of swelling;
  • normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.

Many pregnant women experience a decrease in visual acuity during pregnancy, blueberries help reduce the likelihood of developing this ailment.

Video: how to eat during pregnancy Expand

When breastfeeding

The lactation period implies the observance of the correct diet and rest. The quality of milk largely depends on the food that a nursing woman consumes. If during pregnancy the mother did not include these berries in the diet, then the lactation period is not the right time for the introduction of new products, since blueberries can cause allergic reactions.

It is recommended to start using berries with a few pieces, while observing the skin and the general condition of the baby during the day.

Blueberries are useful during breastfeeding for the following reasons:

  • saturates milk with useful vitamins and minerals;
  • improves mood;
  • calms the nervous system and thereby prevents the development of postpartum depression.

For children

Since the berry can cause an allergic reaction, it is not recommended to give it to children under six months of age. It is better to start complementary foods with one berry, gradually increasing the volume, provided there are no rashes and other signs of allergy. Blueberries can be a great addition to children's compote, the berry will give the drink not only an interesting shade, but also saturate with useful components.

The benefits of blueberries for the child's body:

  • helps strengthen the nervous system;
  • regulates the concentration of iron;
  • develops visual acuity;
  • controls the level of glucose;
  • is the prevention of stomatitis.

When losing weight

Any diet is stress for the body. Due to its healing properties, blueberries can calm the nervous system and improve mood. In addition, the fruits have a low calorie content, so they can be safely consumed by people who are watching their figure.

During weight loss, the body may lack useful components, blueberries can easily replenish the vitamin-mineral balance no worse than pharmacy drugs.

Blueberries help to eliminate toxins and toxins, and also increases metabolism.

Is dried blueberry healthy?

Dried fruits retain a considerable part of their beneficial substances, in addition, they can be included in the diet throughout the year, without waiting for the fresh berries season. They are characterized by low calorie content, lack of cholesterol and the content of vitamins and minerals important for health.

Differences from fresh berries:

  1. Dried fruits contain several times more sugar, so patients with diabetes should abandon their use.
  2. After drying, berries lose up to 50% of antioxidants.
  3. Calcium, potassium and phosphorus are best absorbed from dried fruits.

The beneficial properties of dried berries are in many ways similar to fresh fruits:

  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • activate the work of brain cells;
  • prevent the growth of cancer cells;
  • normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduce the inflammatory process.
Video: how to dry blueberries Expand

The benefits of blueberry juice

Juice made from blueberries is considered a good source of beneficial trace elements and vitamins. Due to its rich composition, the drink has the following beneficial effects on the human body:

  • strengthens the eye retina;
  • supports the tone of the immune system;
  • nourishes the nervous system;
  • used to eliminate inflammation;
  • has a diuretic and choleretic effect.

Blueberries in medicine

Blueberries are a storehouse of useful elements, so they are widely used in medicine to treat many diseases.

Blueberries in medicine

With diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is one of the diseases for the treatment of which today there is no universal medicine. But subject to certain recommendations, you can live a full life. First of all, it concerns nutrition. When compiling a diabetic diet, the glycemic index is taken into account. For blueberries, this indicator is low (43), so fresh fruits in limited quantities can be included in the patient's menu. In addition to berries, plant leaves have beneficial properties. Based on them, infusions and decoctions are prepared.

The following properties of blueberries allow to normalize the state of the body for diabetes:

  • ability to control blood sugar;
  • low glycemic index;
  • antimicrobial properties.

With pancreatitis

Treatment of the inflammatory process of the pancreas largely depends not only on the timely use of medications, but also on a balanced diet. Many berries are not recommended for use during an exacerbation of the disease, but this restriction does not apply to blueberries. At the same time, in order to get all the necessary benefits from berries, it is important to pay attention to some features of this product.

In the period of the acute form of the disease, blueberries must be excluded from the diet. Fiber, which is found in berries, can further aggravate the course of the disease.

During remission, berry is allowed to be consumed, in addition, it can be an excellent alternative to sweets, which patients with pancreatitis have to refuse. Blueberries normalize digestive processes, control secreted enzyme substances, restore microflora, help to reduce the inflammatory process and ensure the speedy regeneration of damaged gland tissue.

In case of illness, any alcohol is under the strictest ban, but on holidays you can afford a glass of wine. The drink can be prepared at home using blueberries.To do this, 50 g of fresh berries are poured with a small amount of water (100 ml) and boiled over medium heat for 10 minutes. Then you need to add 300 ml of grape wine to the berries and continue cooking for another five minutes. Strain the wine drink, drink it warm.

With gastritis

One of the important features of blueberries is its ability to normalize digestion. This ability allows you to speed up the process of removing toxins and toxins, thereby reducing their detrimental effect on the tissues of the stomach. That is, regular use of blueberries prevents the development of a disease such as gastritis.

The disease is divided into two types: with low and high acidity.

At low acidity
The tannins contained in the fruits normalize the level of acidity, eliminate the inflammatory process and allow you to get rid of nausea and vomiting.

For gastritis, it is recommended to take blueberry juice. Make a drink from fresh fruits. Berries must be thoroughly washed and chopped with a blender. Pass the resulting slurry through cheesecloth. Dilute the concentrated concentrate with water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and consume up to three times a day, 200 ml each.

With increased acidity
In the case of a high acidity index of gastric juice, it is recommended to completely limit the use of not only blueberries, but all other fruits and berries.

For the intestines

An inflamed intestine brings a lot of inconvenience. The disease is accompanied by symptoms such as sharp pains, bloody stools, diarrhea. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to more serious illnesses, including cancer. Blueberries have an anti-inflammatory effect, due to which the healing of the damaged intestinal mucosa occurs.

In addition, the use of fruits helps to eliminate dangerous toxins and toxins, the prolonged presence of which in the intestine can cause an inflammatory process.

For constipation

Fresh blueberries have a mild laxative effect, dried - fix the stool.

Eliminate constipation will help infusion. To prepare it, you need to pour 30 g of fresh berries with a glass of boiling water. After two hours, you can start to apply. The tool is recommended to drink 50 ml three times a day until the disease is eliminated.

With gout

To stop the accumulation of urea in the body, you must follow a strict diet. Nevertheless, blueberries are not included in the list of banned products due to its rich composition.

The plant helps to strengthen the immune system and the gentle elimination of toxic substances. In addition, the use of berries removes excess moisture from the body, thereby reducing swelling and reducing the load on the joints.

Blueberry infusion for gout
To eliminate the symptoms of gout, a blueberry infusion will help. It is made from fresh berries. Pour 20 g of fruit with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for 4.5 hours. Take a healing drink 50 ml three times a day.

With colitis

Experts claim that eating blueberries helps eliminate symptoms of colitis. This is due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Due to the content of dietary fiber, stools are normalized, bloating passes and the general condition of the patient improves.

Cold infusion
To eliminate the symptoms of colitis, it is recommended to use a cold infusion of dried berries. Pour 15 g of fruit in the evening with a glass of cold water and leave overnight. Over the next day, use the resulting infusion in several stages.

For the liver

The liver is one of the most important organs of the human body, which secretes bile necessary for the digestion of food. Stagnation of bile can lead to the development of gallstone disease. Regular consumption of blueberries prevents the development of this dangerous ailment.In any case, before starting independent treatment, it is mandatory to visit a gastroenterologist.

To prepare a choleretic infusion, you need to pour 30 g of fresh or dried berries in the evening with a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Consume 50 ml each day before the start of each meal.

Important: with hepatitis, the use of blueberries is contraindicated.

For sight

The positive effect of blueberries on the health of vision is largely due to the content in its fruits of polyphenols - anthocyanins. They have important properties for the eyes:

  • have the ability to focus in the retina;
  • accelerate the healing process of damaged tissue of the retina;
  • strengthen the capillaries of the retina by stimulating the synthesis of components of the connective tissue.

Thanks to these abilities, a partial restoration of visual acuity occurs, and the eye strain obtained during long reading, exposure to sunlight or working at a computer is also relieved.

To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to consume blueberries for a long time. This is due to the fact that anthocyanins accumulate in the retina gradually.

In what doses to use blueberries to improve vision:

  1. In the case of fresh berries, therapy should be carried out three times a day, one teaspoon each.
  2. The dose of dried fruit should not be more than one tablespoon per day.
  3. For therapy, blueberry juice is perfect. To prepare it, it is necessary to squeeze out fresh blueberry fruits and dilute the resulting concentrate with water in a ratio of 1 to 3.

With a cold

Regular use of blueberries will protect the immune system from the effects of harmful bacteria and simply will not allow the development of colds. If the unpleasant ailment is still taken by surprise, then the blueberry infusion will help to cope with the symptoms. For its preparation, it is most convenient to use a thermos, which accelerates the infusion process.

A method of preparing an infusion for colds
100 g of berries to send in a thermos and pour 500 ml of hot liquid. Close the lid. After 30 minutes, you can start taking an infusion of 150 ml three times a day.

The healing properties of blueberry leaves

Proponents of traditional medicine consider the use of blueberry leaves to be inappropriate. Their opinion is based on the fact that the leaves contain much less beneficial components than the fruits. Adherents of alternative methods of treatment have a different point of view in this regard. Experts urge not to abandon the use of blueberry leaves, because they contain all the same useful components as berries. Due to the lower concentration of healing substances, the leaves have the mildest therapeutic effect and, therefore, have fewer contraindications.

The healing properties of blueberry leaves

In folk medicine, blueberry leaves are used to treat many ailments:

  1. The tannins contained in the leaves have a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. Adding them to tea reduces pain during menstruation and improves the general condition of a woman.
  2. Regular consumption of tea from blueberry leaves increases visual acuity.
  3. A drink from blueberry leaves improves the condition of a patient suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and dysbiosis.
  4. Leaves are also used to reduce high blood pressure.
  5. During weight loss, an infusion of leaves normalizes metabolism and maintains the mineral and vitamin balance.

Blueberries in cosmetology

Healing berries are widely used in the beauty industry due to its rich composition and beneficial properties.In addition to the antioxidants that give your skin and hair a healthy look, blueberries contain the following important ingredients:

  1. Vitamin A reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands and eliminates excess shine.
  2. Flavonoids line the contour of the face.
  3. Group B vitamins activate chemical processes, improving cellular regeneration and reducing skin damage.
  4. Vitamin C provides an increase in collagen production, and also protects the skin from the negative effects of the external environment.
  5. Magnesium maintains vascular tone and improves blood circulation.
  6. Tannins have a positive effect on pores and prevent the development of acne.

For face

The berry is valued in the beauty industry for many of its complex effects on the skin. Masks with blueberry extract not only contribute to rejuvenation, but also eliminate unpleasant defects, giving the skin a healthy look.

Fresh Berry Mask
To prepare it, you need to knead 50 g of fresh berries with a fork. Apply the resulting slurry to the face and leave for 7 minutes, then rinse.

The mask helps to eliminate acne, excess shine and circles around the eyes.

Mask for narrowing pores

  • 30 g of fresh berries;
  • 25 g of flour.

Crush the washed berries with a fork and add flour. Stir thoroughly until smooth. Apply the composition to problem areas and rinse off after 10 minutes.

Mask for eliminating small wrinkles

  • 20 g blueberries;
  • 20 g sour cream;
  • 10 g of strawberries.

Grate the berries to a mushy state and add sour cream. Beat the resulting mixture thoroughly in a blender. Apply the composition to the face, trying not to affect the areas of the eyes and lips. Soak for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. It is best to use foam for washing, as the mask is quite difficult to wash off due to the content of sour cream.

Acne mask

  • 50 g of fresh berries;
  • 25 ml low-fat cream.

Combine the components and beat in a blender until smooth. Apply the mask to problem areas and leave for 15 minutes. After time, rinse skin with running water. The regular use of this simple mask reduces acne and moisturizes the skin well.

Video: the benefits of blueberries for facial skin Expand

For hair

The use of blueberries favorably affects the scalp and improves the condition of the hair. However, representatives of fair hair should refuse to use the berry, otherwise the curls will acquire a bluish tint.

Mask for nourishing hair

  • 50 g of fresh berries;
  • 25 g sour cream.

Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply evenly to hair and head. Wrap your head in plastic wrap. After half an hour, wash off the mask and rinse the hair and head with shampoo again.


  • 100 g of fresh or dried berries;
  • 1 liter of water.

Transfer the berries to a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. Turn off the stove, cover and leave to insist. The cooled infusion is ready for use. It should be used to rinse previously washed hair. After several procedures, dark hair will acquire a rich shine and a healthy look.

Harm and contraindications

Like any product, blueberries have several contraindications for use.

  1. Due to the hard peel, the berries are difficult to digest and can be in the body for a long time. This can lead to putrefactive processes and cause upset stomach and intestines.
  2. Blueberries can cause a severe allergic reaction.
  3. The use of berries is contraindicated in acute pancreatitis and gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice.
  4. Blueberries are forbidden to give to children under the age of six months.
  5. Berries help accelerate the outflow of bile, for this reason their use is contraindicated in calculous cholecystitis.
  6. Refrain from treats should be in the presence of stones in the bladder.
  7. Berries have the ability to accumulate salts of heavy metals, so it is important to be sure of the origin of the fruit.Blueberries, growing near industrial facilities, can cause severe poisoning.

Collection and storage of blueberries

Shrub fruits are harvested in late July and early August. The process requires compliance with some important subtleties.

Collection and storage of blueberries

  1. Berries should be picked in dry weather, so you can significantly increase their shelf life.
  2. Do not pick blueberries for one berry, this method takes a lot of time and reduces the shelf life. It is best to collect whole branches with berries or use a special combine. The device has the form of a scoop, the front of which is equipped with a special metal or plastic comb. It is necessary to bring the harvester to a bush with berries and carefully remove the fruits. The berry collected in this way will contain a large number of leaves and stems, but at the same time, the collection process will take much less time.
  3. Fruits have the ability to accumulate salts of heavy metals, so you should refrain from picking berries growing near garbage dumps, large industrial facilities, roads and megacities.
  4. Fresh fruits are not subject to long-term storage, it is desirable to realize them in the near future.

Is it possible to freeze

To increase the shelf life of fresh berries, it is recommended to freeze them.

  1. Rinse, sort and dry the fruits thoroughly on a paper towel or dishcloth. Insufficient drying will turn the frozen berries into one solid lump.
  2. Arrange the prepared berries in storage containers, which are well suited for food containers, silicone molds and special freezing bags.

So that the berries do not stick to each other, they are recommended to be frozen in small batches, spread out on a flat surface. Only then they are placed in storage containers. This method allows you to keep the original form of blueberries. This storage method allows you to enjoy healthy berries throughout the year.

How to dry

Another way to extend the shelf life of berries is to dry them. However, this will require a large crop to be harvested, since during the drying process, the amount of raw materials used is reduced by almost 10 times. To do this, you can use the oven, a special dryer for vegetables and fruits, or spread the berries on a baking sheet and leave in the fresh air.

In order not to spoil the healing fruits, a number of recommendations must be observed during the harvesting process.

  1. Do not dry the berries at very high temperatures, since this will lose a significant part of the beneficial components.
  2. During drying, the fruits must be laid out in one layer.
  3. Do not expose the berries to direct sunlight and prevent moisture from entering, otherwise bacteria can multiply, which will result in mold.

What can be cooked from blueberries: recipes

From the fruits you can cook a huge number of delicious and healthy desserts, many of which are stored for a long time. Next will be considered the most popular of them.



  • 300 g of blueberries;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse and dry the berries on a paper towel, then transfer to sterilized glass jars. Fruits should fill prepared containers by one third.
  2. Combine in a pan 1.5 l of water and granulated sugar. Boil. Sugar should be completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the berries and syrups into cans. Compote prepared in this way can be stored for one year.


Blueberry Kissel


  • 300 g of berries;
  • 4 tbsp. l starch;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the selected and washed berries in a pan.Add granulated sugar, bring to a boil and continue cooking over low heat. To get a pleasant sweet and sour taste, you can add a pinch of citric acid.
  2. Five minutes later, strain the broth.
  3. Grind the berries obtained by filtering in a blender and again send to the pan.
  4. Dilute the starch in a glass of cold water and carefully add to the pan to avoid lumps.
  5. Bring to a boil and remove from heat.

Kissel is recommended for stomach diseases. Limit its intake is during weight loss, because the drink due to the starch content has high nutritional value.



  • 600 g of blueberries;
  • 200 g of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort and wash the fruits thoroughly.
  2. Crush the berries with a fork and pass through a sieve or gauze. Transfer the berry mass into a saucepan and pour 2 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for about 10 minutes.
  3. Add granulated sugar and mix well. Sugar should be completely dissolved.
  4. Strain the drink and add fresh juice squeezed at the initial stage.

The taste of the drink can be diversified with cinnamon or citrus fruit juice.

Blueberry juice contains ascorbic acid, which supports the toned immune system. Also, the drink perfectly quenches thirst.

Video: blueberry pie recipe Expand


Due to its rich composition, blueberries have the ability to activate brain cells, so smoothies drunk before a busy day will provide energy for fruitful work.


  • 100 g of fresh or frozen berries, dry fruits are also suitable;
  • half a banana;
  • 1 tbsp coconut flakes;
  • 200 ml of milk.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare, be sure to take a blender, it will save a lot of time.
  2. Immerse all ingredients in the bowl of the device and beat until smooth.

For smoothies, instead of milk, you can use yogurt or kefir, for greater nutritional nutritionists recommend adding nuts and dried fruits.


Blueberry jam


  • 2 cups blueberries;
  • 400 g of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. For jam, pick the ripe fruits, fold branches and leaves. The most delicious treat is obtained from whole berries, not crushed ones.
  2. Dry the washed berries on a paper towel. Then pour into a deep enameled bowl and add sugar. Mix gently with a wooden spoon or spatula.
  3. Send to the stove. Cooking is recommended to start over low heat, as soon as the juice stands out, add temperature. It is important to constantly stir the mass of berries and sugar.
  4. Continue cooking until sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Arrange the hot jam in sterilized jars, roll up the lids and store in a cool dark place or in the refrigerator. The shelf life of such a treat is 12 months.


A properly prepared wine drink made from blueberries is much like a wine made from grapes. The main problem that the winemaker may encounter is associated with the poor ability of the berry to ferment.

For a drink, it is important to use only the freshest fruits, which after collection have lain for no more than a day.


  • 2 kg of berries;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 500 g of granulated sugar;
  • wine yeast.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully sort through and rinse the blueberries. It is necessary to take care of the sterility of the hands and utensils used, otherwise the drink will not receive proper taste characteristics.
  2. Transfer the berries to a glass bottle and add wine yeast (they can be found in stores). Cover the container with a cloth or gauze and send to insist in a dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees. Once a day, mix the mass of berries and yeast.
  3. With the appearance of an acidic smell and hiss, drain the mass, usually this occurs after 3-5 days. Pour the liquid component back into the bottle, pour the berries separated after straining, pour water and leave for 10 minutes. Then squeeze using gauze. Add the resulting liquid to a fermentation tank.
  4. Add 150 g of sugar to the bottle and put on a rubber glove on top, make a puncture on one finger.
  5. After 5 days add the rest of the granulated sugar.
  6. When a home-made water lock in the form of a glove stops blowing bubbles, we can assume that the wine drink is ready. Usually this process lasts for one month.
  7. If the taste of the drink seems sour, you can add a little more sugar.
  8. To extend the shelf life of homemade wine, it must be fixed with vodka. A beverage prepared in this way can be stored for up to three years.
Video: how to make blueberry ice cream Expand

Is it possible to give blueberries to animals

Our smaller brothers are prone to many diseases characteristic of humans. Therefore, it is important to monitor their condition in order to provide all the necessary assistance in a timely manner. Animals have a weak liver, which takes the brunt of themselves while using medications to treat diseases. The best solution would be to use traditional medicine. They have mild healing powers and have far fewer side effects. One such remedy is blueberries.

Is it possible to give blueberries to animals

Experts believe that pets can give up to 50 g of fresh berries per day for diseases of the digestive system. Blueberry tincture is also used, with its help it is possible to eliminate pain in the intestines and stomach.

To prepare a healing infusion, 1 teaspoon of berries is poured with 100 ml of cold boiled water and allowed to infuse. The resulting drink is given to the animal during the day. To solder animals weighing up to 4 kg, the dose is halved.

If the pet has problems with blood sugar, then the infusion is prepared somewhat differently. Half a teaspoon of finely chopped berries is steamed with 100 ml of hot water.

To eliminate constipation, you can give some fresh berries to the animal. It is important not to forget that dried fruits have a fixing effect and can aggravate the situation even more.

How to dye blueberries for Easter eggs

Blueberry juice has a dark blue color with a burgundy tint. Almost everyone knows how difficult it is to eliminate blueberry stains from clothes. This feature has found application in everyday life.

Easter traditions have not changed for two millennia, the most popular of them is egg coloring. For many centuries, the most common color was red and brown, obtained with the help of onion husks. Currently, on the eve of the holiday, you can find synthetic dye of any shade. The best solution will still be the use of natural coloring matter, which is suitable blueberry juice. Easter eggs painted with its help acquire a nice bluish tint.


  • 500 g of fresh or frozen blueberries;
  • 3 teaspoons of salt;
  • 25 ml of vinegar;
  • 25 ml of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Before cooking eggs, it is best to withstand for some time at room temperature so that they do not crack in the process. For staining, it is better to choose white eggs, on them the color will look more saturated.
  2. Boil eggs until tender with the addition of salt, it is used in order to prevent the appearance of cracks. After cooking, let them cool.
  3. If frozen berries are used, they should first be thawed. Put the fruits in a dish covered with gauze or a wide bandage and squeeze the juice. From the amount of blueberries used, you get about one glass of juice. In it, the actual eggs will be painted.
  4. For staining, you will need to soak the eggs in the juice with the addition of vinegar for 30 minutes.
  5. Painted eggs that have not dried out yet should not be washed or wiped with a napkin, such an action will lead to bald spots.
  6. Grate dried eggs with vegetable oil to give shine.
Video: how to paint eggs beautifully and quickly Expand

Interesting facts about blueberries

Interesting facts about blueberries

  1. The homeland of the plant is the territory of the North American continent.
  2. The poet of Ancient Greece, Publius Virgil, praised the healing properties of black berries in his odes.
  3. Blueberry shrubs propagate by cuttings.
  4. Berry juice is used as a natural dye.
  5. Blueberries have the ability to accumulate salts of heavy metals, so you need to pay special attention to the process of collecting it. It is better to abandon berries that grow near roads, garbage dumps and industrial facilities.
  6. The life span of a shrub can reach 200 years.
  7. Fruits from ancient times are used to restore visual acuity.
  8. The use of berries in cosmetology helps to improve the condition of the skin and hair.
  9. Regular consumption of blueberries reduces the growth of cancer cells.
  10. The berry is beneficial for brain activity and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
  11. Ancient shamans endowed the berry with magical abilities and used it during their rituals.

«Important: all information on the site is provided exclusively in fact-finding purposes. Before applying any recommendations, consult with a profile specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are liable for any possible harm caused materials. "

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