Nectarine: health benefits and harms

Nectarine is one of the varieties of peach, which can be distinguished by a smoother peel. Many consider this fruit a kind of hybrid, the result of crossbreeding of different cultures. But this is not so. The fruit comes mainly from the Mediterranean countries, originally from China. And it belongs to the same genus as peaches.

What is nectarine?

The peach, also called this fruit, contains a large amount of nectar, from which its name follows. You can see red, yellow or whitish nectarines. The pulp is easily separated from the bone, but if the fetus is overripe, it can be difficult.

The benefits and harms of nectarines

Many folk healers are well aware of the healing properties of nectarine. It contains fewer sugars than can be obtained from its fleecy counterpart. The fruit is rich in pectin substances, a shock dose of ascorbic acid, as well as phosphorus, iron and potassium, which are so necessary for the human body. Nectarines are even classified as products for the prevention of tumor development.

What is the difference from peach

The main distinguishing feature is a smooth skin. The size of the fruit is almost the same as a peach, and nectarines can sometimes grow on a peach tree.

Sugar is less, but the mineral composition is very rich.

What is more useful: nectarine or peach

In composition, these two fruits are almost identical. But from the point of view of the benefits for the immune system, nectarines are more beneficial, since they contain almost twice as much ascorbic acid, as well as a slightly higher concentration of vitamin A, potassium and phosphorus.

Composition and calorie content

For 100 grams of fruit pulp, only 48 kcal. In this case, the macronutrient composition is 0.9 g of protein, 0.2 g of fat and 11.8 g of carbohydrates.

Nectarines also contain:

  • manganese, iron, iodine, zinc and phosphorus;
  • formic, ascorbic, malic, citric and folic acids;
  • vitamins A, C, PP and K;
  • polysaccharides;
  • fiber and pectins;
  • essential amino acids (riboflavin, thiamine, tocopherol).

What is the use of nectarine

General benefit

Due to its rich composition, the fruit is a vitamin and mineral bomb for the body. It acts as an excellent restorative agent for a healthy body, and also nourishes during the period of illness.

What is the use of nectarine?

Due to pectin fibers, nectarine has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, stabilizes digestion, and normalizes the balance of nutrient transfer.

Fiber contained in the fruit maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time, so nectarines fit perfectly into the diet menu.

Fruit is also useful in that:

  • is a preventive product to prevent the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • strengthens tooth enamel;
  • increases hemoglobin in the blood;
  • improves the condition of hair, nails and skin;
  • promotes muscle growth;
  • acts on the nervous system as an antidepressant;
  • It helps to relax and relieve stress along with chocolate and oranges.

Nectarines will be useful:

  1. With increased physical exertion. Fruits can increase efficiency and help to avoid nervous exhaustion.
  2. To support the tone of the heart muscle and maintain the rhythm of its contractions at a physiological level.
  3. To strengthen the vascular walls.
  4. As a preventive measure to avoid arthrosis, gout and to preserve the youth of the joints.
  5. For fat burning and achieving satiety amid low calorie intake for weight loss and corrective diets.
  6. As an assistant for raising immunity and resistance to exhausts of a big city.
  7. To maintain the motility of the gastrointestinal tract at the proper level, as well as with difficult bowel movements and dysbiosis.
  8. To remove toxins and toxins.

For women

Nectarine is called the fruit of female beauty. It not only saturates the body of fragile ladies with all useful substances, but also supports it under conditions of increased stress. Vitamins maintain the water balance in the skin cells, due to which it is possible to maintain beauty and youth.

Zinc paired with folic acid, which is necessary for the female body, allows you to maintain not only the general tone, but also metabolic processes at the most active level.

Nectarine can also be considered useful for women because it acts as a stabilizer of hormonal function, on which youth directly depends.

For men

The stronger sex will also need the support of this miraculous fruit. Its composition will maintain immunity at the proper level, help reduce the degree of stress, increase concentration and strength in the muscles.

During pregnancy

The use of nectarines will only benefit the future mother and fetus. Many women in the situation note that several slices of fruit can save from an attack of heartburn and some manifestations of toxicosis. In addition, nectarine serves as a rich source of vitamins and minerals. In addition, folic acid from this product contributes to the normal development of the child’s nervous system.

Pregnant women prone to allergies should exercise caution, and at the slightest manifestation of a response to the use of a sweet fruit, exclude it from the diet.

When breastfeeding

It is better for nursing mothers to refrain from consuming nectarines in the first 2 months of their baby's life. Since fruits can cause difficulties in the passage of food through the intestines, a treat is worth the wait. It is necessary to introduce it into the diet gradually, one by one, while carefully observing the reaction of the newborn during the day.

Video: what kind of fruit can a nursing mother Expand

For kids

Pediatricians recommend feeding babies nectarines from 7 months, not earlier. First, you can give the child a few drops of freshly squeezed juice, and after a few days, subject to good acceptance by the body, go on to feed on sweet mashed potatoes.

Attention! Before serving nectarines, children need to peel the fruit.

Since the fruit has a mild laxative effect, its use can solve the problem with stool in infants. Juice is recommended by pediatricians as an immunomodulating agent of natural origin.

Is it possible to eat nectarine when losing weight

Nutritionists recommend including fruit in the menu. It provides a sweetness, which is so lacking in losing weight, in addition, it maintains a feeling of satiety and quenches thirst well.

Nectarines help make up for the nutrient deficiency that invariably occurs in a limited diet, normalize protein metabolism and break down fats in sediments. Thanks to dietary fiber it is easier to get rid of toxins and remove toxins, and the diuretic and choleretic effect of the fetus helps to quickly and naturally get rid of decay products.

Due to the stimulation of the production of digestive juices, nectarines are a delicious helper in dieting, assimilation and digestion of foods. To get the maximum benefit in digestion, fruits are recommended to be consumed after the main meal.

Nectarine bones: benefits and harms

Like peach bones, the kernels of this fruit should be treated with caution.A large amount of hydrocyanic acid can accumulate in them, which is formed independently of environmental factors during the ripening of the fetus.

Despite the fact that the insides of the nectarine bones are a little bit bitter, many love to eat them. In this case, it is important to remember about the possible harm and not exceed a dose of 10 cores per day.

Nectarine in medicine

Despite the fact that juicy fruit is a unique source of nutrients, it should be used with caution in people with health problems.

Nectarine in medicine

With diabetes

Nectarine has a fairly high glycemic index (42) and the content of sucrose and fructose. Therefore, individuals with a suspected diabetes should consult a doctor before enjoying the fetus. People with a chronic form of diabetes, nectarines are not recommended.

With pancreatitis

This disease requires careful attention to your diet. The admissibility of the use of nectarines depends on the severity of the course of the disease, so its introduction into the diet should be discussed with your doctor.

If there is a strict ban on the use of sweet and sour fruits, nectarines should also be abstained.

With gastritis

With a latent course of the disease, the fruit can become an assistant in digestion. But with acute forms of the disease, nectarines are not worth it.

For the intestines

Peach's juicy brother is a great helper for intestines. It not only improves contractility, but also acts as a kind of “brush” that sweeps out all toxins and growths from the walls of the excretory system.

For constipation

Nectarine has a mild laxative effect, so if you have problems with stools or digestive motility, it should be included in the menu. The only caveat is that you do not need to eat fruit at night, as this can make sleep restless due to increased digestion.

With gout

Nectarines can give a lot to diseased joints - from saturation with necessary microelements to the return of mobility. Fruits also help break down salt deposits and remove excess sodium, so they can be used to ease the course of the disease.

With hemorrhoids

This type of inflammation leads to difficulties with bowel movements. Eating nectarines will help ease the process. People with hypersensitivity should use these fruits with caution in order to avoid exacerbating the state of inflamed nodes.

With cholecystitis

Nectarines should be introduced into the diet only after consultation with your doctor.

Application in cosmetology

Nectarine masks have a magical effect. Many cosmetologists note their miraculous anti-aging properties and a positive effect on the skin and hair.

Nectarine face mask

This cosmetic product will be an excellent assistant for maintaining youthful skin at the height of the nectarine season.

For cooking you will need:

  • about 5 fruits;
  • peach oil (5 tablespoons).

Rinse the fruit under running water, remove the seeds and chop in mashed potatoes using a blender or combine. Add oil and mix by hand.

Before applying the mask, you should prepare your face: wash with water at room temperature and wipe the skin with a tonic. After that, distribute the mask on the face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cool water, and the final step may be washing with thermal water.

Face mask with nectarine juice

For cooking you will need:

  • freshly squeezed juice of 1 fruit;
  • corn starch (1 tablespoon);
  • protein of 1 egg.

Mix the ingredients, apply to pre-cleansed skin for a quarter of an hour. Wash off the remaining mask with water at room temperature. This recipe is suitable for eliminating traces of rashes, age spots and small facial wrinkles.

Nectarine for hair

Juicy fruit perfectly nourishes the hair, saturating it with a vitamin cocktail and helping to restore the structure.

To prepare the mask you will need:

  • pulp of 1 fruit;
  • low-fat cottage cheese (2 tablespoons).

Mix the components, apply to the scalp, and then distribute along the entire length. The exposure time of the mask is at least 45 minutes. This type of care with regular use at least once a week helps to accelerate hair growth and restore damaged tips.

Harm and contraindications

Strict contraindications to eating fruit include diabetes, a tendency to allergic reactions to fruit acids, and overweight. With individual intolerance to peaches and nectarine, these fruits should be bypassed.

If the eaten rate is exceeded per day, which is up to 5 nectarines per day, the occurrence of such adverse reactions as:

  • bloating;
  • digestive upset;
  • an abrupt change in blood sugar concentration.

For children under 7 years old, you should limit the intake of fruit to 1-2 pieces per day.

Symptoms of Nectarine Allergy

The classic manifestation of an allergic reaction to peach is a red rash on the visible parts of the body - face, stomach, legs, forearms and hands. If symptoms are found, you should take an antihistamine and consult a doctor. In case of strong and rapidly developing reactions, accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes, you should immediately call an ambulance, before which you try to give the victim an antiallergic drug.

How to choose and store nectarine

The nectarine season begins in May, and ends in September and early October. The most useful and juicy are the fruits that arrived on the shelves in July and August. A fruit with a pleasant aroma and skin of a bright color is most suitable for eating and contains the maximum amount of nutrients.

How to choose and store nectarine

Accepted fruits should not be taken, this may indicate the beginning of their spoilage. The shell of nectarine with light pressure should be elastic and give in to minimal deformation.

Ripe fruits can be stored in the refrigerator, but this period should not exceed 4-5 days.

If you buy several ripened fruits when you buy, the process of ripening can be accelerated. To do this, puncture the nectarine in several places with a toothpick and put it in a paper bag with an apple for several hours. If after this time the fetus has not ripened, the packet should be postponed for several days, controlling the process every day. Ripening nectarines should be stored at room temperature.

Is it possible to freeze

Unripe fruits should not be stored in the refrigerator - they will deteriorate. You should also not immediately purchase a large volume of nectarines, since they are stored in a suitable form for use no more than 5 days.

If ripe fruits are cut into slices, having previously removed the seed, they can be frozen. The slices are stored distributed in a single layer in a bag for freezing for no more than 3 months.

Is it possible to dry

Nectarines can be prepared for the winter by drying them in the oven or in a special fruit dryer. The drying process does not endure rush, slices or thin slices need to be dried in layers.

Video: how to choose peaches, apricots and nectarines Expand

How to eat nectarine

Juicy fruit is one of the most beloved delicacies of many. Fruits can be consumed both raw and in baked and boiled form.

According to the rules of etiquette, you should eat 1 nectarine at a time, placing it in the center of the plate. Peel the peel with a knife, and then cut the fruit one by one into small pieces, starting from the top.

In fact, most people choose nectarines precisely because they can be eaten with a peel.

How much can you eat per day

Nutritionists recommend not eating more than 4 fruits per day.In order to get the most benefit from the fruit, it should be consumed a few minutes before taking the main dish for 1 fruit. The best time is the first half of the day, when the body is maximally tuned to absorb nutrients.

The rate of digestion of the fruit depends on the age and general condition of the person, but on average it takes about 2.5 hours.

Nutrition experts recommend eating nectarines seasonally. You can eat them raw, but it’s worth washing.

Fresh fruits are used not only as an independent dish, a component of salads and desserts. Nectarine goes well with chicken, duck and pork, as well as ham and seafood.

In a diet, dairy products, such as low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese and ice cream, are considered the most compatible with fruit.

A slice of nectarine can be added to tea instead of lemon. Aromatic compotes, smoothies and preserves are also prepared from the fruits. And baking with these fruits has a unique taste and smell.

Can I eat at night and on an empty stomach

Nectarine can and should be eaten on an empty stomach. It helps induce the digestive system to work and facilitate the absorption of nutrients from subsequent meals.

You can also eat fruit at night. It not only allows you to get enough by consuming a small amount of calories, but also quenches thirst well.

Can I eat bones

Eat kernel from the seeds is allowed in small quantities. However, they are not suitable for long-term storage, as they are saturated with decay products that are toxic to the human body.

What can be prepared from nectarine: recipes


Nectarine Jam

To prepare you will need:

  • nectarine (8 pcs.);
  • sugar (1 cup).

Cut the fruits into small cubes, place in a saucepan, cover with sugar and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes. The consistency of the finished jam is tender.



  • medium-sized nectarines (1.5 kg);
  • sugar (1 kg);
  • lemon (1 pc.);
  • vanilla powder (1 sachet).

After washing, free the fruits from seeds and cut into pieces of arbitrary shape. Squeeze the lemon, 1/4 of the remaining zest put in cheesecloth.

Put chopped nectarine into a cooking container, add sugar and lemon juice. On top, place a piece of lemon peel tied in gauze so that it remains at the top. Put the mass in the refrigerator under a closed lid for the night.

If in the morning the fruits are given around a glass of juice, it should be separated and boiled separately until it is a little thickened. Then pour this juice back into the mass, and put them to boil over low heat until the consistency looks like jam. After cooling the mass, it can be further crushed with a blender.

Ice cream


  • any low-fat yogurt (6 tablespoons);
  • peeled nectarine (1 pc.);
  • honey (1 tsp);
  • berries or other fruits as desired.

Puree the fruit with a blender, add the remaining ingredients to it, mix. After cooling in the freezer for 1-2 hours, the ice cream is ready for use.


For cooking you will need:

  • small in size nectarines (0.5 kg);
  • water (1 l);
  • sugar (300 g);
  • cans of 1.5 liters.

Fruits must be selected so that they easily enter the jar. If more water is needed during the preparation of compote, it is worth adding sugar additionally.

Wash fruit, inspect for damage. For canned stewed fruit, whole fruits are suitable. You can cut the nectarines in half. Then put them in jars. In case they close intact, about 2/3 of the container should be filled, and if half - 1/2.

Pour nectarines with boiling water, let it brew under a covered lid, previously sterilized. After 15 minutes, pour the liquid into the pan, add a small amount of boiled water, add sugar.Bring the syrup to a boil and boil for a few more minutes.

Then remove the syrup from the stove and fill them with nectarines in jars. Roll up and put on the lids until cool. Store canned compote in a cool room with limited access to daylight. You need a drink during the year.

Video: how to cook nectarine compote Expand


Strong aromatic alcoholic drink made of nectarines is highlighted in yellow and has a unique mild flavor. The technology of wine production is similar to the preparation of a drink from peaches, the differences are only in the mass fraction of dry matter, which depends on the original fruit.

Fruits should be picked ripe, without damage, since even a small spoiled area on one of the fruits can impair the taste of the drink.

So that particles of mold, which may be in residual amounts on the fruit, do not get into the wort, all cooking tools should be treated with boiling water and wiped dry with a clean towel. You should also wash your hands.

To make wine you will need:

  • nectarines (5 kg);
  • sugar (1.5 kg);
  • water (2 l);
  • sourdough or wine yeast (based on 7 liters of wort);
  • citric acid (25 g, can be replaced with juice of 6 fresh lemons).


  1. Free the fruits from the seeds, knead the pulp with the skin with your hands. Place the mass in an enameled container (metal use is not permissible). A pan or bucket is suitable for these purposes.
  2. Add to the fruit a syrup made from water and 0.5 kg of sugar. Next, add citric acid and sourdough. After mixing, cover the container with gauze and put in a dark place for 3 days. The storage temperature of the mass should be room temperature. In order for the wort not to turn sour, it must be mixed every 10 hours with a wooden stick or manually, touching the bottom.
  3. 24 hours after the fermentation of nectarines, signs of the onset of fermentation should appear - a characteristic odor, hiss and foam. This will indicate that the process is proceeding correctly.
  4. After 3 days, strain the wort through gauze, folded in several layers, squeeze the cake and discard. After filtration, add 0.5 kg of sugar and mix.
  5. Fill with wort 4/5 of the fermentation tank (there should be room for foam and carbon dioxide bubbles). Install a water seal on the neck (you can use a medical glove with a small puncture with a thin needle).
  6. For optimal fermentation, the container should be placed in a dark place with a constant temperature of about 22–25 ° C. When the glove is inflated, it means the beginning of the active phase of fermentation.
  7. After 5 days, add 250 g of sugar to the wort, which should be dissolved in a small amount (about 0.5 l) of the drained wort.
  8. On average, the process of ripening wine takes from 35 to 50 days. The readiness of the wine can be judged by a deflated glove, clarification of the liquid and precipitate deposited at the bottom.
  9. The resulting wine should be drained, leaving a precipitate in a fermentation tank, and then add sugar to taste.


Nectarine Juice

Children and adults love nectarine juice with pulp. To prepare it you will need:

  • nectarines (1 kg);
  • water (0.5 l);
  • sugar (100 g);
  • citric acid (pinch).

Hold the fruits in turn in boiled water, then transfer to ice. These manipulations will help to easily peel the fruits. Next, remove the seeds, grind the pulp and add the remaining ingredients.


Among losing weight, a combination of nectarines with low-fat kefir is popular. With such a cocktail, you can replace or supplement one of the meals.

For cooking you will need:

  • nectarine (2 pcs.);
  • kefir 1% (1 cup);
  • sugar (2 tbsp., on a diet you can replace honey).

Dice the fruit, add the remaining ingredients and mix with a blender. Smoothies should be drunk freshly prepared, this drink is not intended for long-term storage.


This treat will appeal to children and their parents.It is completely natural and does not contain harmful components, and its calorie content is 145 kcal per 100 g of product.

For the preparation of pastilles for 4 people you will need:

  • nectarines (1 kg);
  • honey (1 tbsp);
  • citric acid (at the tip of a knife);
  • ground nutmeg and cardamom (1 tsp each);
  • icing sugar for decoration.


  1. Wash fruits, peel and peel. Cut the pulp and season with honey. Kill the mass in a puree with a blender, add spices and acid.
  2. Put the resulting mass on a baking sheet on a baking sheet. To avoid sticking, grease the paper with any non-aromatic vegetable oil. The layer of mashed potatoes laid out for cooking should be thin (no more than 7 mm).
  3. The pastille can be dried in the sun, in which case the whole process will take about 2 days. You can speed up cooking in an oven heated to 100 ° C, bake with the door open until cooked.
  4. After readiness, remove the pastille from the pan, put the paper up. Moisten the surface with water, wait a few minutes and remove the sheet. Cut the finished treat into strips and roll them into rolls, which can be fixed with a food rope.

About 300 g of product are obtained from the indicated amount of ingredients. Ready marshmallows are stored under room conditions in a tightly closed container.

Candied fruit

A tasty and healthy treat is prepared from:

  • nectarines (1 kg);
  • granulated sugar (1 kg);
  • water (0.5 kg);
  • citric acid (pinch).

Wash the fruits, cut into slices. Peel the peel, for this you can put the fruit for 1-2 minutes in boiling water. You need syrup, which is prepared by mixing 0.7 kg of sugar with acid and water. Boil the solution and add fruit to it. Boil for a few minutes, and then remove from heat. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. Next, strain the fruits, put on a paper towel and let dry for 12-24 hours. You can speed up the procedure in a special drying cabinet. Finish cooking only when the candied fruit is completely dry.

Store the finished product in a closed container, glass containers are more suitable for these purposes.

Is it possible for animals to give nectarine

In small quantities, this fruit will be useful to the pet. But, if the animal gets acquainted with the fetus for the first time, it is worth observing its reaction during the day. Typically, small amounts of peaches and nectarines are useful for pets.

Interesting facts about nectarine

Interesting facts about nectarine

  1. The use of 2 fruits per day satisfies the need for vitamin C by 100%.
  2. Hydrocyanic acid, which is found in the kernels of fruit seeds, is the strongest poison.
  3. Nectarine is named after the ritual drink of the gods of Ancient Greece because of its sweetness and delicate taste.
  4. The homeland of the fruit is China, but the countries of southern Europe are the world leader in its supply. In some latitudes of Russia also managed to cultivate nectarines.
  5. Many languages ​​do not have different names for peaches and nectarines; these concepts are considered synonyms. But in English literature you can find the mention of nectarines, dated 1616.

«Important: all information on the site is provided exclusively in fact-finding purposes. Before applying any recommendations, consult with a profile specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are liable for any possible harm caused materials. "

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