Celery: Health Benefits

Everyone knows about the benefits of green vegetables and fruits. The article will describe in detail the beneficial properties of celery. In our country, this plant is gaining more and more popularity and distribution due to its beneficial properties and rich composition. Celery is part of many dishes. It is stewed, baked, fried, consumed fresh and used as a flavoring seasoning.

What is celery and how does it look

Celery is a green vegetable. It is bred in most cases because of the stems, which have useful properties and a unique aroma. The seasoning prepared from the plant has a sweetish taste with notes of bitterness.

The benefits and harms of celery

Celery reaches a height of 1 m and has the appearance of a plant with fleshy stems, large leaves and a powerful root. The vegetable belongs to the Umbrella family and is annual and perennial. Any part of the vegetable can be used in cooking. In European and Asian cuisine, root, leaves, seeds and stems are used as a fragrant addition to dishes.

The root of the plant is covered with many hairs and has a brown tint. After cleaning, it acquires a white color and becomes smooth to the touch.

Many compare celery seeds with caraway seeds. They have a characteristic aroma, a dark brown tint and have an oblong shape with longitudinal ribbing.


There are three types of plants:

  • root
  • petiole;
  • sheet.

The root species is characterized by a round fleshy root and a rich pleasant taste. It is most often used for cooking various dishes, as during the heat treatment, the aroma of root celery reveals even more.

Petiole celery is the most widely distributed among gourmet culinary art. In addition, this species contains the largest amount of nutrients.

The leafy appearance of the plant is used for salads, baking, and as a seasoning. It does not have large petioles and roots. The most pronounced beneficial properties have young leaf celery.

What is the difference between celery and parsley

  1. Parsley lacks large stems.
  2. Plants have different flavors.
  3. Wild species are common in different continents. Parsley is found in Greece, Algeria, Spain and Macedonia. Celery grows in the Mediterranean countries, in places of high humidity, in particular along the river coast.
  4. Celery root contains more sodium than parsley leaves.

Composition and calorie content

100 g of the plant contains 0.9 g of protein, 0.1 g of fat and 2.1 g of carbohydrates. The energy value of the product is only 13 kcal.

The chemical composition is represented by dietary fiber, organic acids, vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, PP, K. In addition, celery is rich in trace elements, among which sodium predominates - 200 mg per 100 g of product.

What is useful celery

What is useful celery

General benefit

The plant owes its beneficial properties to its rich composition. The main benefits of the product:

  • controls cholesterol level;
  • has a diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • saturates the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • boosts immunity.

For women

The use of celery has the following beneficial effect on the fair sex. Product:

  1. It has a negative calorie content, that is, the body spends much more energy on the digestion of dietary fiber contained in celery than the vegetable itself contains, so the inclusion of the product in the diet allows you to maintain a slim figure, which is important for every woman.
  2. Helps to remove all excess fluid from the body.
  3. Favorably affects the nervous system, preventing the development of a depressive state.
  4. Facilitates premenstrual condition.
  5. Normalizes blood pressure.
  6. Improves the condition of the skin and hair.

For men

Celery is useful not only for the female body, but also for men. With regular use in food in the male representative body, the following positive changes are observed:

  1. Blood pressure decreases.
  2. The excretion of uric acid from the body is accelerated.
  3. Lowers cholesterol.
  4. Testosterone levels are regulated and male libido increases.
  5. The process of protein absorption is accelerated.
  6. The body recovers faster after heavy physical exertion.
  7. Due to the significant concentration of sodium, the accumulation of uric acid crystals is prevented.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman has to limit herself to many familiar things. The diet is subject to adjustment. Celery is one of those foods that you should completely refrain from while carrying your baby. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Product components increase blood flow to the uterus and can cause miscarriage or the onset of premature birth.
  2. Essential oils can cause severe allergic reactions.
  3. The likelihood of developing gas formation increases.

During pregnancy, celery can be applied externally. Creams or ointments based on this plant reduce swelling. Tincture and celery juice improve the condition of damaged skin due to its zinc content.

When breastfeeding

As during pregnancy, when breastfeeding, you should abandon the use of celery, since the substances contained in any eaten foods penetrate into breast milk. Celery can cause colic, flatulence and bloating in infants. In addition, the use of the plant by the mother can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.

A nursing woman can apply celery externally. The use of tinctures with plant extract will get rid of minor skin lesions.

Video: what vegetables can be eaten while breastfeeding Expand

For kids

Celery can be added to the diet of a child older than six months. Feeding should begin by adding a small amount of the stem of the plant to vegetable puree or soup. Then it is necessary to monitor the allergic reaction during the day. Not every kid will like the spicy taste of the plant. If a child refuses to eat dishes with celery, do not insist. After a while, you can again try to offer him a vegetable crop.

The benefits of celery are as follows:

  1. Supports the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  2. Soothes the nervous system.
  3. Helps to get rid of excess body weight if the child is obese.
  4. Improves the care of the crumbs.
  5. It relieves headaches without causing side effects, unlike medications.

The benefits of celery leaves and stalks

The use of celery leaves and stems has the following positive effect on the body:

  1. The components that the plant contains increase the elasticity of blood vessels, so their use is especially indicated for the elderly.
  2. Oil made from leaves and stalks of celery helps to improve human reproductive ability.
  3. Reduces the likelihood of arteriosclerosis, rheumatism and gout.

Useful properties of celery root

Useful properties of celery root

The inclusion of celery root in the diet improves sleep quality, eliminating overwork, nervous breakdown and depression. An infusion prepared from the root of a vegetable crop is used for rheumatism, gastritis with reduced acidity of the produced gastric juice, and breathing problems.

Celery juice: benefits and harms

Juice from the plant is obtained by squeezing its petioles. The resulting drink has such useful properties:

  1. Cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.
  2. Normalizes the content of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  3. Soothes the nervous system.
  4. It has proved by scientists a positive effect on the brain.
  5. Improves memory and concentration.
  6. Restores visual acuity.
  7. Improves the state of blood vessels due to lower cholesterol.
  8. Strengthens the immune system.
  9. Accelerates the removal of urea from the body and reduces pain in muscle tissue (relevant when playing sports).
  10. It has a mild laxative effect.
  11. Promotes an increase in sexual desire.
  12. Maintains the balance of water in the body.
  13. Due to the iron content it is useful during PSM and menopause.
  14. Restores reproductive function.

It is important to observe the measure when drinking celery juice. The daily norm of the drink is 100 ml.

Celery juice is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and gastritis with high acidity.

Video: before drinking celery juice watch this video Expand

How to use celery for weight loss

Nutritionists recommend including celery in the diet. The product has negative nutritional value, that is, the body spends more energy on digesting the plant than it receives. The vegetable is baked, boiled and consumed fresh. Parts of the plant are used to prepare a wide variety of dishes. Leaves are used as a flavoring dressing, and seeds are used as seasoning.

Celery is recommended to use not only during the diet, but also in everyday life. Subject to the basics of proper nutrition and the inclusion of the product in the diet, you can easily throw from 2 to 3 kg per week.

Celery in medicine

Due to the rich composition of celery is used to treat and prevent the mass of ailments.

Celery in medicine

With diabetes

Specialists recommend that diabetics include all parts of the vegetable culture in the diet: leaves, stems, roots. The product helps to normalize blood glucose levels. It has a small glycemic index, which is only 15 units, has a low nutritional value. In addition, the plant increases the production of a special pancreatic secret necessary for the breakdown of glucose.

With the disease, it is recommended to use a decoction of celery, which can be prepared at home. To do this, grate or finely chop 20 g of the root of the plant. Add 250 ml of liquid and cook for about 15 minutes. Drink 30 ml before each meal.

With pancreatitis

Pancreatic inflammation is a serious ailment.To improve the patient's condition, a strict diet is necessary, and on the first day after a pain attack, food should be completely abandoned.

In the acute form of the disease, the use of celery in any form is excluded. Dietary fiber can provoke bloating and significantly worsen the condition of the patient. Essential oils increase the production of digestive enzymes that destroy pancreatic tissue.

During remission, it is recommended that you use the fresh vegetable to a limited extent, preferring heat treatment. It can be added to soups, baked, used as seasoning.

With gastritis

With the disease, it is important to observe the correct diet, then the patient's condition stabilizes. Celery contains essential oils that can increase the production of gastric juice, so you should limit the use of the product for gastritis with high acidity.

With gastritis with low acidity, the use of celery is allowed, since a vegetable culture maintains the required level of acidity. However, you should grind the product, as coarse dietary fiber is difficult to digest and can worsen the condition of the patient.

For the intestines

Celery contains dietary fiber, which helps to eliminate toxic substances and slag compounds from the body. Coarse fiber also speeds up the digestion process. In addition, celery has an anti-inflammatory effect, so the inclusion of a vegetable culture in the diet helps relieve pain and heal damaged intestinal walls.

To prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nutritionists recommend consuming celery juice. To prepare it, you need to squeeze a small number of plant stems using a juicer. Juice is not subject to long-term storage, so it is recommended to cook it immediately before use. The drink is recommended to drink 50 ml in the morning and evening.

For constipation

The use of products containing coarse fiber, is the best prevention in the fight against constipation. Celery is a champion in the content of dietary fiber, so this product is ideal for eliminating an unpleasant ailment. The root of the plant has a laxative effect. Therefore, to eliminate constipation, it is recommended to prepare an infusion. To do this, you need to pour 30 g of celery root with a glass of boiling water and insist for two hours. Take the resulting infusion of 25 ml before each meal until the unpleasant symptoms are eliminated.

With gout

Gout refers to diseases that can not be treated, you can only alleviate the condition of the patient. Celery contains a large amount of sodium in its composition, which accelerates the process of removing urea from the body, so patients with gouty arthritis should not refuse to use this product. In addition, celery has the following positive effects:

  • reduces pain in affected joints;
  • accelerates the removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • serves as a prevention of urolithiasis;
  • restores metabolism.

By using celery regularly, you can improve your condition. The most common remedy for gout is concentrated juice made from a vegetable crop. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon before each meal.

An infusion will help get rid of excess fluid. To prepare it, 25 g of seeds of the plant is poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted for 5 hours. Take three times a day for 1 tablespoon.

With colitis

Colitis is a disease in which inflammation and damage to the intestinal mucosa are observed.The essential oils contained in celery can increase the acidity of gastric juice, which is an aggressive medium and can cause the development of putrefactive processes. They can aggravate the course of the disease. Therefore, with colitis, it is recommended to limit the use of celery.

For the liver

The liver is an important organ of the human body that synthesizes bile. It is necessary for the digestion of food. Liver diseases can cause the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Stagnant bile increases the risk of gallstone disease, which is accompanied by severe pain. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to use celery juice, before starting therapy, be sure to consult with a specialist.

For the best outflow of bile, it is recommended to take 25 ml of concentrated celery juice twice a day before meals. To prepare a drink, it is necessary to squeeze the stems of the plant and pass through cheesecloth, folded several times.

With hemorrhoids

Celery can be taken only at the initial stage of hemorrhoids in a limited amount during a period of persistent remission. In the acute form of the disease, the use of vegetable crops should be limited for several reasons:

  1. Vitamin K helps increase blood coagulation, so eating celery can cause an increase in hemorrhoids.
  2. The inclusion of celery in the diet can cause the formation of fibrin, which forms the basis of a blood clot.
  3. Undigested residues of coarse fiber can damage hemorrhoids, exacerbating the course of the disease with unpleasant symptoms in the form of inflammation and bleeding.

With cholecystitis

Inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder is a serious ailment that can cause its removal. In addition, cholecystitis can cause the development of cholelithiasis.

Reception of a celery decoction accelerates the outflow of bile and helps to reduce the inflammatory process. You can make a drink at home, for this it is enough to pour 30 g of the root of the plant with a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. Allow to insist until completely cooled. The broth is recommended to be consumed three times a day 20 minutes before a meal.

In any case, it is necessary to seek the advice of a specialist, under whose supervision treatment of any disease should be carried out. The doctor will select the most suitable treatment regimen that will not harm health.

Celery-based traditional medicine recipes

Celery-based traditional medicine recipes

With premenstrual syndrome or menopause

5 g of celery seeds pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 7 hours. Then strain the infusion through cheesecloth. Consume 25 ml three times a day 20 minutes before starting to eat food.

For stones in the bladder

Pour 20 g of plant seeds with a glass of boiling water and send to simmer on steam for about 20 minutes. The resulting broth should be taken in 50 ml morning and evening.

With prostatitis

Squeeze 100 ml of celery juice. You can use a juicer for this. Vegetable juice is not recommended for long-term storage. The recipe indicates the amount of ingredients needed to prepare the daily intake of the drink.
Combine the prepared juice with 20 g of honey and mix thoroughly. Take 25 ml three times a day. The remaining mixture should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

To reduce cholesterol

In equal proportions combine the juice of celery, nettle and dandelion. Take one teaspoon before breakfast.

With cystitis

Mix celery seeds and honey in equal proportions. Take 5 g three times a day.

With a breakdown

Pour 20 g of dried leaves of vegetable culture with cold water and bring to a boil over low heat and remove from the stove. Strain and drink the broth as a tea drink.

For skin lesions

To speed up the healing of small wounds, you will need 100 g of dried leaves of the plant and 200 ml of boiling water. Combine the ingredients and let it brew for about two hours.After the required time has passed, use a cotton pad to lightly apply infusion to problem areas of the skin.

To normalize reproductive activity

Grind 50 g celery root. To the resulting slurry add 400 ml of liquid and boil for one minute. The broth is divided into 4 doses and consumed throughout the day.

Celery in cosmetology

Due to its rich composition and useful properties, celery has found application not only among adherents of traditional methods of treatment, but also in the beauty industry.

For face

Cleansing Scrub

  • 5 g of dried celery root;
  • 5 g of honey;
  • a pinch of dried ginger;
  • a pinch of nutmeg.

Grind ginger root, combine with other ingredients and mix thoroughly. The mixture is applied to the face with massaging movements. Wash off after one minute.

Mask to eliminate dry skin

  • 10 g celery root;
  • 10 g of high fat cottage cheese;
  • 10 g sour cream.

Combine the ingredients and mix until smooth. Apply the mask to the face. After 5 minutes, rinse the composition.

Refreshing mask

  • 20 g celery root;
  • 5 ml of lemon juice;
  • 10 g sour cream.

Grind celery root and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Stir the mixture until smooth and apply on face skin. Wash off after 10 minutes.

Video: 6 life masks for perfect skin Expand

For hair

Shine mask

  • 25 ml of celery juice;
  • 1 raw chicken yolk;
  • 25 ml of beer
  • 20 g sour cream.
  • 2 drops of tea tree essential oil.

Combine all ingredients and carefully move with a whisk or fork until smooth. Distribute the mask from the roots to the ends of wet hair. After 15 minutes, wash off the composition and wash your hair with shampoo.

Broth for strengthening hair

  • 100 g of dried celery leaves;
  • 25 ml of apple cider vinegar 6%.

Pour 500 ml of water into the leaves of the plant and bring to a boil. Continue cooking for 2 minutes and remove from stove. Leave to insist until completely cooled. Add vinegar to a cool broth and rinse clean hair. Repeat therapy 2 times a week.

Mask for nourishing hair

  • 20 ml of celery juice;
  • 1 raw yolk;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly. Apply the composition to the entire length of the hair. After 25 minutes, rinse and rinse your head with shampoo.

Harm and contraindications

  1. Pregnant women should refuse to use celery, since the vegetable contains substances that increase blood flow to the uterus. Violation of the recommendations can cause a miscarriage in the early stages and cause premature birth in the third trimester of pregnancy.
  2. Celery juice can cause kidney stones to move. This process is accompanied by severe pain and may result in surgery.
  3. The substances contained in celery increase the acidity of the stomach, so the product is contraindicated in gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and colitis.
  4. Vitamin K, which is part of the plant, affects blood coagulation, so you should abandon the use of celery with varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of Celery Allergy

The essential oils that make up celery can cause an allergic reaction. With extreme caution, it is necessary to introduce the product into the diet of the child. Lure should start with a small portion, carefully monitoring the reaction during the day. This approach also applies to an adult, who for the first time includes dishes containing celery in the diet.

In case of intolerance to a vegetable crop, various reactions may occur:

  • urticaria (red watery acne, accompanied by severe itching);
  • dermatitis (peeling of the skin of the hands and feet);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach upset;
  • constipation.

How to choose and store celery

When choosing celery, you need to be guided by several rules:

How to choose and store celery

  1. The fresh plant has a bright lime shade and a pleasant aroma.
  2. The leaves look resilient and juicy, with no dark spots or damage.
  3. In the process of separating the stems from each other, a crunch is heard.
  4. A stale plant has dark withered leaves.

If there is no way to eat celery in the near future, then you can save it. To do this, you must perform a series of actions.

  • Rinse the vegetable thoroughly.
  • Dry on a kitchen towel.
  • Place in aluminum foil for storage.
  • Send to the refrigerator.

Dried celery can be stored for 12 months. All parts of the plant can be dried. To do this, the vegetable must be washed and dried on a paper towel. Then peel and cut into small pieces. Then leave to dry in a well-ventilated area. To speed up the process, you can use the oven or a special dryer for vegetables. When the celery dries, it must be laid out in glass or ceramic containers for further storage.

Extend the shelf life of the plant using salt. Everyone knows that it is a natural preservative. For salting you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of celery;
  • 200 g of salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • currant leaf.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the plant with a blender or chop finely.
  2. Add salt (coarse recommended).
  3. Fill the sterilized glass jars with the resulting mass and tighten the lids.

Is it possible to freeze

After freezing, celery retains most of its beneficial properties. Therefore, the method is great for storing vegetable crops. It is cut into small pieces, laid out in containers or special bags and sent to the freezer. Leaves and root can also be frozen. This method allows you to use a healthy product throughout the year.

Video: how to choose celery, ginger and parsnip Expand

How to eat celery

Proper use of products will not be harmful to health. The most important thing is compliance. This rule also applies to celery. Excessive use of the product can cause a number of negative consequences:

  • exacerbation of urolithiasis;
  • gassing in the intestines;
  • the appearance of colic in the baby;
  • tone of the uterus in a pregnant woman.

How much can you eat per day

Nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 200 g of celery in a fresh and cooked form per day. The rate of concentrated plant juice should not exceed 100 ml.

Can I eat at night on an empty stomach

The use of celery provokes the production of gastric juice, therefore, thirty minutes after its use, it is recommended to start eating.

Celery is called a natural antidepressant. The product calms the nervous system, allows you to overcome stress and normalize sleep. To combat insomnia, you need to use 50 g of the plant for 1.5–2 hours before bedtime. Vegetable culture has a low calorie content, the value of which is only 13 kcal. Therefore, eating celery late in the evening, you should not worry about the figure.

Is it possible to eat raw

Celery refers to those foods in which all parts are edible. The greatest amount of nutrients is found in a fresh plant. After drying, freezing and heat treatment, some of the nutrients are reduced, so celery is preferable to eat raw. It is added to salads, used as a side dish, and juices and smoothies are prepared.

How to clean celery

It is important for anyone who has never tried this useful product to know how to properly process it before starting to eat it.

How to clean celery

It is enough to rinse the leaves under water, but with the roots and stems the question is a little different. The root crop is covered with a rather rough skin; to facilitate the cleaning process, it is necessary to choose a vegetable with a smoother and less rough surface. The greens in the upper part should have a saturated green color and a fresh look. Such roots are much easier to clean and have fewer cleanings.

So, to clean the root celery, you need to follow these steps:

  • Rinse thoroughly, remove the lower and upper parts;
  • cut the skin with a peeler or a knife with a narrow blade;
  • remove any darkening;
  • lower the root crop into a container of water so that it does not darken.

Petiole celery must be cleaned if the crop was harvested long ago. Rinse young petioles under running water before eating.

Video: how to peel celery Expand

What can be cooked from celery: recipes

From celery you can cook a huge number of a wide variety of dishes. Consider the most popular of them.


To prepare the juice, it is enough to squeeze the celery stalks with a juicer and strain through gauze. The drink has a specific taste, so it is not easy to use in its pure form. To soften the taste, dilute celery juice with any fruit juice or water.



  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 2 medium-sized cucumbers;
  • lettuce;
  • cherry tomatoes - 100 g;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Dice celery stalks and cucumbers into cubes and put in a salad bowl.
  2. Lettuce leaves to tear with your hands.
  3. Finish off olive oil and seasoning to taste.
  4. Garnish the salad with cherry tomatoes.



  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 3 medium-sized potatoes;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 liter of chicken stock;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • 30 g butter;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Fry finely chopped onions, grated carrots and diced celery in butter.
  2. Add diced potatoes to the broth. Bring to a boil and continue cooking for 10 minutes.
  3. After 10 minutes, add the fried vegetables to the pan. After three minutes, turn off the stove.
  4. Add cream and spices.
  5. Submerge a blender in a pan and beat the soup until smooth.

Puree soup is ready to eat.



  • 1 stalk of celery;
  • half an apple;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 kiwi
  • 50 ml of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the carrots and send into the blender bowl.
  2. Coarse the remaining ingredients and add to the carrots.
  3. Add water and beat until smooth.

How to fry

As a flavorful side dish, you can fry celery. For frying, most often use the stems of the plant. The dish will pleasantly surprise you with the simplicity of preparation and minimal time costs.


  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 200 g of string beans;
  • 30 g butter;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse vegetables thoroughly before cooking.
  2. Grate the carrots, chop the onion into thin half rings.
  3. Heat the pan and melt the butter on it. Add carrots and onions. Passivate for two minutes.
  4. Cut celery into rings and send to the pan.
  5. Add green beans. When using a frozen product, preliminary thawing is not required.
  6. Add salt and spices. Continue frying until golden brown for about 15 minutes.

Can celery be given to animals

Pets rightfully occupy an important place in the life of their owner. Owners try to do everything for the health and happiness of their pet. The benefits of celery to the human body are widely known throughout the world. Therefore, many people are interested in whether it is possible to include a useful product in the diet of a pet.

Can celery be given to animals

A plant can be offered to an animal, but not every pet will like a product with a bright aroma and a rather piquant taste. Since celery can cause a severe allergic reaction, you need to start complementary foods with a small piece, and then carefully monitor the condition and behavior of the pet. If no changes are observed, the portion can be gradually increased.

Guinea pigs

There are no clear contraindications for consuming celery with guinea pigs. If the animal liked the plant, it is not necessary to feed it only with celery. It is enough to give a few pieces to gnaw.The diet of the rodent should remain diverse.

Celery contains a huge amount of useful trace elements necessary to maintain the health of mumps. Many industrial feeds intended for rodents contain celery extract.

To dogs

If the dog has shown interest in vegetable culture, do not deny the animal the pleasure of trying a new product. Celery contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system of the animal. In addition, the plant will help the dog with an upset stomach, relieve constipation and calm the nervous system.

It will be difficult for the dog to survive celery stalks containing a significant amount of plant fiber. Therefore, before giving the vegetable for the sample to the pet, it must be cut into small pieces. The animal can be offered raw petioles or cooked in a steam bath.

The cut root of the dog will be difficult to chew, so it should be grated. This part of the plant will refresh the pet’s breath and remove plaque. In addition, the inclusion of celery root in the diet of an animal promotes the removal of toxins from the body, the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system and healthy hair growth.

The product can be introduced into the diet only of a healthy animal. In no case should you force a pet to consume a plant, because dogs do not have the same need for vegetables as humans.

Celery leaves contain a higher concentration of trace elements compared to other parts of the plant, but there is no information about their effect on the dog's body. In this regard, you should not give this part of the plant to the animal.


Cats have a more wayward character than dogs. These animals are incredibly picky about food. It is impossible to feed them with any product for no particular reason. Veterinarians believe that cats' interest in greens and vegetables indicates a lack of vitamins and minerals in the cat's body. Studies have shown that this is true. In addition, the instinct of the animal will not fool, therefore, if the cat expressed a desire to eat celery, then this is necessary to maintain health.


Hamsters, like guinea pigs, can be given celery. There are no specific contraindications in this regard. Not without reason, because manufacturers produce feed for hamsters, which contain an extract of this plant.

In the diet, it is best to include pieces of young petioles, it is enough to give the pet a couple of small pieces. Plant fiber is good for rodent teeth, hair and the digestive system.


Snails are contraindicated in foods containing a large amount of salt. Despite the fact that celery does not have a pronounced salty taste, it contains a significant concentration of sodium. But you should not worry about this, the snail will refuse a product that could cause its death, so you can safely include celery in its diet.


Rabbits have a rather delicate digestive tract, so you should not give them celery, purchased in a store. As a rule, for long-term storage, the vegetable is treated with preservatives and chemicals. But actually grown celery can be safely included in the animal’s menu. Usually, celery stalks are mixed with other vegetables and fruits to feed the rabbits.

The product contains a huge amount of plant fiber, so the use of a large amount of celery contributes to the rapid build-up of muscle mass. For this reason, the plant is most often used by farmers who breed rabbits for meat.

A parrot

Due to the high content of essential oils, celery is contraindicated in parrots as a food product.In addition, there are no reliable studies in this regard. For this reason, you should not risk the life and health of a pet.

Interesting facts about celery

Interesting facts about celery

  1. Another name for the plant is fragrant parsley.
  2. The product has the so-called negative calorie content. That is, the body spends more energy on the digestion of dietary fiber celery than it receives when eating plants.
  3. Celery contains a very small number of calories, only 13 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, the plant is often present on the menu of people who monitor their figure.
  4. The product reduces appetite due to the fact that the body has to spend a lot of energy on the digestion of coarse plant fibers.
  5. Adherents of alternative treatment methods call celery a natural antibiotic, since the plant has anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. The antioxidants contained in the plant support youthful skin and hair.
  7. The harvested celery retains its beneficial properties for seven days, after which their concentration is significantly reduced.
  8. In ancient times, plant juice was called a love drink. To prepare it, 50 g of celery juice, 25 g of apple juice and 25 g of pear juice were mixed. It was believed that the drink increases male potency.
  9. Plant fiber contained in the plant helps to eliminate toxic substances and slag compounds. Therefore, celery should be included in the diet of people who have bad habits.
  10. Plant fiber provides rapid growth of muscle tissue, and beneficial components contribute to the restoration of the body after heavy physical exertion. For this reason, in ancient times, celery was considered the food of the strongest men. The winners of the gladiatorial competitions woven the leaves of the plant into the wreaths with which they were awarded.
  11. The first mention of celery in the Russian Empire dates from the 17th century. The plant gained the greatest popularity during the reign of Catherine II.
  12. George Taylor, a traveler from Scotland, first introduced healthy vegetables in the mid-19th century.
  13. The capital of vegetable culture is considered the city of Arvada, which is located in the United States of America in Colorado. It houses a museum that is entirely dedicated to celery.
  14. Healers in China revere the plant for its ability to regulate blood pressure. Modern scientists have been able to find out that the product really needs to be consumed by people suffering from hypertension. In addition, celery regulates the amount of cholesterol.
  15. The plant soothes the nervous system, helps to eliminate depression in the early stages. Many traditional healers use celery as a herbal sleeping pill.
  16. Tutankhamun's funeral robes were decorated with wreaths into which celery leaves were woven.
  17. Homer's works mentioned whole celery fields.
  18. Frenchwoman Madame de Pompadour, who was the famous courtesan and lover of Louis XV, deliberately ate celery soup to overcome her frigidity and become the most attractive passion, truly worthy of royal attention.
  19. The world-famous hero-lover Casanova was an avid lover of celery.
  20. To grow a huge plantation, a small amount of seeds is enough.
  21. The root of the plant can cause severe allergic reactions. In this regard, the safest parts to eat are celery stalks.
  22. Celery, onions and carrots form the basis of French cuisine.
  23. Celery is part of the famous Bloody Mary cocktail.

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